Chapter 1

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(A/n: The whole story is from the Princess's point of view)

I am the Princess of this country. Today, it seemed to me that things were more lively outside. When I went to see why, it appeared that our hero had returned to us. His latest adventure had apparently involved going to slay a demon lord in a country to the North of us. Ah, our hero must be truly mighty, to have slain a demon lord... I would wish for someone as mighty as this hero to be my husband. I have it, I need only wed this hero to make my wish come true. A hero who slew a demon lord could hardly be called unsuitable by anyone. I am certain that I will be congratulated by one and all. Now that I think of it, though (and even if I don't), I know nothing about this hero. I haven't even seen his face. Still, there is likely to be a celebration of some sort, seeing as how we have a hero who has returned from slaying a demon lord. I will take that opportunity to talk to him, or some such.

So I went to the celebration for the hero's triumphant return and all. My first impression was not so much that of a hero, really, but rather, someone who fights beside the hero. He was a big guy, with all these muscles, you see. Anyway, I chatted him up, only to find that he apparently hasn't done much talking to the ladies, for he turned bright red when I asked him a simple question, barely managing to say a single word in reply. It was actually kind of sweet. I don't think I'd have much trouble marrying him at all, though I'd like to see for myself just how strong he is and all. There must be something I can do...

"How about this, then?"

To Be Continued

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