1 ❥ nights like this

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credits to the video above! <3

jisung sighed heavily as he plopped down on jaemin's bed, they were finally done practicing for their new song "riding" that will be released on april 29th.

jaemin was about to hit jisung when he saw jisung on his bed once again, "i don't get it! your bed is a few steps upstairs! just climb up!"

jisung started moving around like a baby as he whined, "but i'm too lazy!"

jaemin sighed as he dropped the pillow that he was gonna use to hit jisung, "i really don't know how you're my son! i'm the cleanest person in this dorm yet i bore you! the messiest child on the planet!"

jisung stood up from jaemin's bed, "aish hyung! you're so annoying. i'm sleeping in the living room." jisung then grabbed his laptop, phone, and jaemin's chips near his bed, "good night hyung!"

jaemin squished jisung's cheeks before saying the same thing as well, jisung took a few steps to the living room to be greeted by zhong chenle on the sofa, "hi hyung!"

chenle turned away from his phone to look at jisung, he smiled seeing him with all his night time needs, "living room sleepover?"

"living room sleepover."


"donghyuck is so crazy! right chenle hyung?" jisung turned to chenle laughing happily.

the two were currently cuddled up like best friends in the couch watching nct dream crack compilations.

chenle laughed like a dolphin, "yup! and did you just see the scene where he sprayed poor mark hyung in the behind the scenes of we go up? even i didn't know that!" chenle popped a dorito in his mouth.

a few minutes later, a sudden yawn was heard from chenle's mouth, "are you sleepy chenle?" chenle nodded in response.

"i'll be going to sleep now jisungie. have fun!" chenle said hopping on the sofa.

jisung pouted, "why are you pouting jisung?" chenle asked. jisung suddenly made grabby hands to chenle, "where's my goodnight hug?"

chenle giggled at his dongsaeng, "aww you're too cute jisung." chenle gave jisung a best friend hug before cuddling himself into their dorm's soft sofa.

"good night jisung!" chenle slowly closed his eyes and drifted off to dream land. jisung smiled seeing chenle sleep so peacefully.

he went back on his laptop to watch youtube, he scrolled through his recommendations to find a video he could watch until he spotted something.

he saw the thumbnail of the video which was a picture of chenle and jaemin close (too close for jisung) with each other while staring in each other's eyes.

"what's jaemle?"

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