special chapter !

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"j-jisung, if you're going to keep doing that, the fans are going to notice it."

jisung bit chenle's neck harshly once more before backing away to look at his boyfriend with an innocent pout on his face.

chenle only sighed as he straddled jisung to get on his lap, he wrapped his arms around jisung's neck and looked at him with the same innocent eyes, "i love you, but you can never get enough of my lips or my skin? why is that?"

jisung only rolled his eyes at chenle fishing for compliments about his body. but it was his boyfriend, you know he's going to compliment every single speck of his body.

he then showed a small smile before one of his hands reached out to play with chenle's hair, his soft hair that everyone was obsessed with, and now he is too.

"you know you're perfect right?" jisung said staring deeply into his eyes. chenle's heartbeat went faster as he said that, even his cheeks had gone red.

chenle playfully crossed his arms in denial, secretly hiding the fact that he absolutely loves jisung complimenting him, "god made no one perfect."

jisung only pecked chenle's lips quickly that even chenle didn't even have enough time to react, "then maybe you were an exception."

chenle only clicked his tongue at jisung's flirty side, he leaned in closer to kiss him, "can i?"

instead of a response, jisung quickly connected his lips with chenle, he kissed him so softly and passionately, it was as if it was their first kiss all over again.

jisung took ahold of chenle's waist and held it tightly to stop him from moving around, also to prevent something below from getting hard.

chenle didn't mean to do that, he just missed jisung's lips, and still not realizing the situation, he backed away to tilt his head in confusion as he looked at jisung, "wait a minute..."

and that's when it clicked in his head, he realized the something below him was quite hard, so he quickly got off jisung's lap and covered his eyes innocently, "i'm sorry!"

jisung only chuckled as he kissed chenle's forehead and stood up, he opened his eyes feeling jisung leave the bed and saw him still in front of him, "oh gosh, jisung! i thought you left!"

jisung smirked, "why? you wanna help me?"

well, he kinda did. he's been dating jisung for over a year now, and he's surprised at how jisung controlled himself from going beyond make outs and hickeys. he's just lucky to have a boyfriend like him.

nodding slowly, making sure he wasn't making the wrong decision. jisung gasped at chenle's answer, he crawled back on to bed next to chenle in worry, "baby, i was joking... are you sure?"

chenle nodded once again, with an innocent smile on his face, "i've known you for almost half of my life. i trust you the most."

jisung only dived in for a gentle soft kiss, no lust, or anything. just pure gentleness, and love. he backed away to get some more air for himself, before looking at chenle who still looked so lost at the situation.

"you'll go gentle right?" chenle asked a bit worried for himself since he's heard stories from renjun and donghyuck. and it looks like it hurts.

jisung tried to give chenle the most comforting smile he ever could and kissed his forehead softly.

"i'll be more than gentle."


"lele~ wake up."

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