25 ❥ library things

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"huang renjun! time for your solo shots!" one of the staff members called out.

the seven of them were currently taking photos in big library for their new comeback in the next few months. it's also been about six months chenle and jisung have started dating and let's just say,

these boys hide it well.

literally only renjun and taeyong know about their relationship, the rest have no clue as they were innocently waiting for chensung to happen not knowing that it already did six months.

"go ahead hyung! don't make the photographers wait." chenle said smiling at renjun as he told him to go and take his solo shots already, renjun gave a small smile at chenle before leaving.

"chenle!" someone called out behind chenle, the named boy turned around to see his boyfriend, chenle smiled seeing jisung so happy, "come with me!"

jisung then dragged chenle to the end of the library where none of the staff was, the two then entered one of the book columns and jisung leaned on the wall at the edge of it, chenle was in front of jisung making him tilt his head in confusion, "what are we doing here?"

jisung pulled chenle closer, "i haven't kissed you in two days! you know i can't go without having a make out session for an hour!" jisung complained.

chenle sighed as he crossed his arms, "and why would i make out with you right now?"

jisung pouted, "but i miss your lips~" a sudden moan was heard from another area of the library.

"are you kidding me?! mark and donghyuck too?" jisung said looking at mark and donghyuck making out in an area not too far from them.

chenle was about to look as well but jisung covered his eyes, "don't look at them! you're an innocent baby!"

chenle laughed at his over protective boyfriend, "seriously jisung? you were literally just asking me to make out with you."

chenle looked the other way not wanting to look at jisung to tease him, he then saw another pair of people making out, "j-jeno and j-jaemin hyung?"

jisung looked at where chenle was looking as well but chenle pushed jisung's face to look back at him, "let's just say. the dreamies share one braincell on where to make out."

jisung laughed as he crossed his arms, "if that's the case, then can we kiss now? i'm about to explode here."

chenle giggled a bit before pulling jisung's tie that was made for the music video and connected his lips with jisung, the younger boy quickly held chenle closer to him, "as always lele, your lips taste like strawberry."

chenle looked at jisung in the eye, "i love you jisung. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." jisung smiled at chenle's words, "you're the love of my life chenle. i love you more."

the two stared at each other one last time before connecting their lips again.

they truly love each other. and they always will.

"hey is that chenle and jisung?" jeno asked looking at one of the areas in the library.

"yah! park jisung! zhong chenle! how dare you hide your relationship from us." mark crossed his arms.

renjun sighed, "finally you four noticed after six months."

"six months?!" the four said together loudly.

"ok first of all, shut the fuck up, and yes, thanks to our wonderful plan put together, the made out the first night they confessed." renjun said calmly.

donghyuck smirked as he brought his phone out and started typing something.

donghyuck smirked as he held his phone up for everyone to see a group chat, it showed everyone in nct mostly saying, "jisung and chenle?!" "six months?!"

"good luck, all the hyungs are coming to the set right now. and i don't think you'll make it out alive."

- e n d -

woop woop! this book is finished in a span of three days. quarantine is really telling me to update ten chapters per day lmao. this book went by so fast i felt like it was nothing lmao. anyways new book coming soon so be prepared and expect rapid updates because corona is giving me all the time in the world ;) anyways thank you and goodbye!

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