8 ❥ never enough

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after that awkward experience between chenle and jisung, the younger boy was now starting to regret what he had just done a few minutes ago. why would he kiss chenle on the forehead?!

he sighed as he grabbed his laptop to watch youtube, i guess it was another binge watch chenle being cute day.

jisung happily laughed at chenle's jokes, he even laughed at himself looking so whipped for chenle in some videos. as of right now, he was watching a chenle fan cam of we go up, watching this, jisung had just realized how small and soft he had looked. jisung just wanted to hug him.

speaking of which, where was chenle? jisung stood up and came out of him and jaemin's shared room in which jaemin was still busy in dream land. he suddenly heard sniffles from the bathroom.

he quickly opened the door to find chenle sobbing, "chenle! why are you crying?"

chenle hugged jisung's waist tightly, "y-you lied to me." jisung was very much confused on what he just said, "what did i lie to you about?"

chenle sniffled again, "y-you never told me you had a girlfriend. i thought we were best friends jisung."

jisung was even more confused, "girlfriend?! who the hell told you that?" jisung hugged chenle even tighter.

"y-you looked so happy on your laptop. i thought you were video calling her." chenle felt like he was stabbed in the chest a bunch of times. how could jisung not tell him?

jisung quietly giggled, he started caressing chenle's soft locks, "yes i was happy." chenle looked up at jisung because of their height difference.

"w-why was that?" chenle asked curiously, although, hearing that made chenle's heart hurt even more."

"because the person on the computer was laughing. it was like the best laugh i've ever heard." jisung said still playing with chenle's soft hair.

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