6 ❥ busy on the phone

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chenle slammed his nintendo on the floor, frustrated at something, "ugh!"

jeno came running from the kitchen, "look chenle, i know you're rich. but do you really have to slam it on the floor that hard because you lost a game-"

chenle's dolphin scream was heard, "it's not because of that!" chenle turned his head towards jisung and jaemin's room only to see jisung smiling on to himself looking at his phone.

"you're annoyed by jaemin peacefully sleeping?" jeno asked. god, he's so clueless.

"no! look at jisung! he's smiling at his phone." chenle said in annoyance. jeno crossed his arms, "so you're jealous that he's texting someone?"

chenle looked away from jisung's room as he shook his head furiously, "no! it's not like that-" chenle was cut off by seeing jeno roll his eyes, "sure it isn't."

the two then saw jisung grab his hair in frustration as if he was saying, 'jisung! get a hold of yourself!'

chenle slammed his hands on the table in frustration, "see! i'm sure he's going crazy over some girl friend he has!" chenle pouted.

he was annoyed because since this morning, jisung wouldn't give chenle attention at all. and it was starting to hurt chenle because he was always on his phone.

"ah i know!" jeno looked at chenle, "ask him to do a cuddling session! you know jisung never says no to that." chenle stood up hearing that, "maybe i will try that."

jeno smiled as he walked back to the kitchen, "the things i do for these kids."

he spotted renjun peacefully sleeping on the dining table, "renjun? why are you sleeping here?"

renjun sleepily looked up at jeno, "can i have cuddles too?"

meanwhile, chenle walked towards jisung's room, "jisungie! can i have cuddles?"

chenle saw jisung quickly drop his phone to open his arms for chenle to come in, "come on chenle!"

chenle quickly hugged jisung making him fall on top of him, chenle looked into jisung's eyes, admiring it a little. he then realized what he was doing so he quickly went beside jisung only to kiss jisung's cheek by accident.

"s-sorry jisung." chenle said guilty, jisung shook his head, "it's fine chenle."

chenle slowly got himself comfortable in jisung's arms, he then started to pretend to snore for no reason as a joke, 'i knew jisung would drop anything for me.'

chenle then felt jisung touch chenle's hair, "why do i feel more comfortable with you now?"

'what does he mean by that?'

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