23 ❥ confirmed feelinngs

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jisung looked at chenle in the eye, "i-i'm sorry chenle."

chenle's innocent eyes stared up at jisung, "f-for what? not returning you feelings for me? it's fine jisungie i understand—"

chenle was quickly cut off by a pair of lips on his, chenle's eyes had grown bigger from the shock but he eventually wrapped his arms around his neck.

jisung quickly held chenle's waist with one arms to get him closer to him, jisung disconnected his lips from chenle, jisung sat down on the couch, he then patted his lap, "i want you to feel comfy."

chenle smiled, he sat down on jisung's lap as they connected their lips once again. jisung pushed chenle away a bit to look him in the eye, he first kissed chenle's forehead, "i'm sorry for acting like a jerk to you these past few hours."

he then looked at chenle's cute little nose, he quickly pecked it which made chenle wiggle his nose like a baby, jisung smiled at chenle looking so cute, "i'm sorry for making you think i have a girlfriend."

he then kissed chenle's cheeks, "i'm saying all this because, i love you zhong chenle."

a tear dropped from chenle's face, "wait! did i do something wrong chenle? oh no, i'm sorry i didn't mean it? i shouldn't have kissed you so harshly—"

chenle pulled jisung's collar as he connected his lips with his once again, "i love you too."

jisung smiled as he kissed chenle again, and once you know it, the two were making out. jisung's lips grazed over chenle's neck.

chenle could feel jisung's breath on his neck which sent shivers down chenle's spine, "lele~ can i?" jisung looked at chenle in the eye.

jisung knows he couldn't control himself back then in his dream, but he promised himself if he had the chance, he'd ask chenle's permission first.

jisung slowly carried chenle up, the older boy's legs still wrapped around jisung's waist, he carefully put chenle down on the bed and started leaving soft pecks on chenle's skin.

"jisungie~ just do it. i already let you." chenle complained desperately.

jisung laughed at chenle, "isn't my baby a bit too impatient?"

chenle pouted at him, "you're taking too long. just mark me already."

jisung nodded as he started leaving dark purple marks on chenle's skin that would probably stay there for days, just like his dream.

"a-ahhh jisung~" chenle moaned out, his hands started roaming under jisung's shirt making chenle feel jisung's abs.


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