7 ❥ markhyuck things

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jisung had just finished reading the book renjun recommended to him, also known as, bad boy | markhyuck.

jisung laughed quite a lot in the book since he knew that donghyuck would never act like that to mark, donghyuck in the book is the complete opposite to donghyuck in real life.

although he did find something interesting, the fact that donghyuck kept pinning mark to the wall. let's be honest, mark would actually act flustered in real life as well.

he wondered what would happen if he did that to chenle-

'jisung! control yourself!' he thought to himself once again. jisung started to smile at his stupid self but nonetheless, he really did wonder what would happen if he acted like that.

jisung walked to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of orange juice, he poured the drink into his cup still smiling.

"jisung? why are you smiling so brightly?" it was chenle. he didn't like the fact that jisung was smiling because of something other than him. they're best friends after all.

"n-nothing chenle hyung." jisung stuttered. chenle crossed his arms, "look jisungie if you have a girl friend you can just tell me."

jisung almost dropped his orange juice hearing that, "me? girlfriend? nope!"

jisung then thought about donghyuck pinning mark on the wall, 'should i try it now as well?'

he looked at chenle to think about it some more, "look if you're not gonna say anything i'm leaving." chenle was about to turn around but a sound of a glass slamming on the countertop was heard.

chenle turned around to see what had happened only to see jisung coming towards him, the more steps jisung took towards him, the more chenle back away.

chenle had then reached the point where his back touched the wall, he then saw jisung put one arm on each side, "jisungie, w-what are you doing?"

jisung leaned in closer to chenle, he looked at his lips but he then realized that it was very wrong, jisung quickly pecked chenle on his forehead.

he quickly removed his arms and let chenle breathe. it was normal right?

it's what best friends do right?

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