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back of her neck, the hair rising from its last form.
a hint of humiliation spiked aswell. so much she
wanted to do and say, rather than just leaving it
all alone.

vela opened flora's door, closing the door behind
her. she looked around, so mesmerized with the
amount of decoration and effort that was put into
this little girls room.

she had recently washed and folded flora's clothes.
instead of leaving the clothes to dry in the dirty
basket, vela thought is was a wiser and smarter
idea to just bring them upstairs into her room.

the wooden floors below her feet creaked, as
she made her way to the chair that sat upright
against the wall. the patted cushion grazed upon
her fingers leaving a tingle to rest.

suddenly, the doorknob twisted and in cane a
little girl, dirt covering her whole entire uniform.

although, that was not the thing that crossed
vela's mind. what mainly made vela think was the
strange encounter . usually, the kids wouldn't
get home till 8:30 pm. it was still early.

flora neither acknowledged vela; stomping to
her bed, swinging herself on the edge, as she flung
her feet back and forth and sighing within each

vela was such a nosy person. she was also one to
admit, as others tend to hide it. vela's conception
of nosy was simply asking questions, if you do it
the right way.

as other people's conception of nosy was being
a gossiper, a freak, a listener. no. vela just enjoyed
making others feel less struggle; in order to do
that you have to ask questions, right?

"flora?" vela fixated her focus now on flora. the
clothes could wait. flora continued to stay in her
current state, acting as if vela wasn't even in the

vela was determined to get answers, reality was
she only knew flora for 2 weeks, and then she still hadn't had time to interact, personally with the child.

vela walked over to flora, sitting on her knees
so that she was at her level. taking her thumb,
she politely and gently grazed it over the palm
of flora's hand.

"flora? you can talk to me..." the softness of her
voice pulled flora in. almost like a witch calling
for children, over the shadows of the night.

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