Luke's P.O.V

"Okay, so these are my friends. The one with the red hair is Michael, the one with the dimples is Ashton, and the girl being tossed around is Grace." Calum tells me.

"Michael, put me down!" Grace screams as he runs around with her over his shoulder. "Ashton, help!"

"Michael, pass her to me!" Ashton shouts. Michael obeys, throwing the small girl to Ashton. I can't really see her face since her hair is always in front of it, seeing as she has no control because of the two boys.

"Alright, guys, come on. Put her down and come meet our new friend." Calum orders. Ashton sets her down gently before he and Michael run over to Calum and I, leaving her to situate herself. The boys all converse with each other as I watch her. As soon as she looks up, she flips her hair out of her face and jogs over.

It was like everything was in slow motion. From when she looked up all the way until she started talking. It's like she was glowing. Her tan skin radiated like the sun reflected off of her. She was perfect- flawless even. Not a pimple or blemish in sight. She had the body of a Victoria's Secret model and the face of an angel. You didn't even have to touch her dark brown hair to know it was as soft as a baby kitten, you could tell just by looking at it. Her eyes were as blue as ice, but they were empty. They looked as if she was missing something, but she had no idea what it was.

I'm snapped out of my trance when I notice they're all staring at me. I shake my head to clear my mind. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I asked how old you were." She giggles. God, her giggle is cute.

"Oh, twenty-two," I reply.

"Cool," she flashes a perfectly straight and white smile. "Well, I'm twenty-one, Michael's twenty-three, Calum's twenty-two, and Ashton's twenty-four."

"So what do you all major in?" I ask.

"I'm into science," Michael says triumphantly.

"I like medicine," Ashton tells me.

"I do math," says Calum. Grace doesn't say anything. She just looks down.

"Grace?"  I look at her intently.

"We've known her for years and she would never tell us anything about her grades, what subjects she likes, anything." Calum answers for her.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just not that good at any one subject.." She trails off.

"Well, what's your favorite?" I ask softer.

"I don't know."

"Come on, Grace. Everyone's good at something." I plead.

"I guess I'm pretty good with words." She finally looks at me.

"So English," I smile, realizing I just broke through to her. "That's awesome."

"Thanks," she smiles as the boys agree. She looks to me. "Hey, are you doing anything tonight?"

"N-No, I don't think so. Why?" I mentally face palm myself for stuttering.

"The guys and I were gonna hang out. It'd be cool if you could come."

"Yeah, I can probably do that." I feel the corners of my mouth turn up into a small smile.

"Cool. Well, I'll see you around." Next thing I know, she, Ashton, and Michael are racing to the dorms. I can hear her beautiful laugh fade into the distance.

"Hey, Cal?" I keep staring off into the courtyard, not making eye contact.

"Yeah, Luke?"

"Tell me more about her."

"What do you mean?"

"What's she like? What music does she listen to? Does she have a boyfriend?" I utter off different questions nonchalantly.

"I'll answer them in order. She's more than everything you could ever want or ask for. She likes rock, but sometimes she can get into pop or rap. She doesn't have a boyfriend; she doesn't date." He answers.

"Why not?" I finally look to him again.

"The only one who knows is Michael. He's known her since they were in diapers, but he won't tell us anything. He says she hasn't had a boyfriend since her junior year in high school."

"A girl like that hasn't had a boyfriend in three years? There must be something going on."

"That's what we always say, but they won't ever tell us anything. We tried to read the journal she always keeps with her one time, but she caught us and din't speak to us for over a month. We love her, but she's just so damn difficult and secretive." He sighs.

"I can fix that." I look the other way.

"Good luck with that," he sing-songs. "C'mon, let's go get some food."

girls like you // luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now