Grace's P.O.V

I walk out of my room and into the living room to find Calum, Ashton, and Lacey.

"Who let you guys in? Michael isn't even here." I laugh.

"Lace let us in," Ashton answers.

"Luke's in the kitchen." Calum tells me, smirking.

"Okay," I reply although it comes out as more of a question. I walk into the kitchen and see the blue-eyed boy.

"Good morning, sunshine." He smiles from the stove where he's making eggs.

"Uh, good morning. Whatcha up to?" I prop myself onto the counter next to him.

"Making breakfast for Lacey. Want some?"

"I'm good," I wave him off.

"So what are Miss Grace's plans for the day?" He questions.

"I have none. I was thinking about just having a chill Sunday. Lay around in my pajamas, drink coffee, and listen to music or watch movies."

"That's sound relaxing."

"You and the boys can join me if you'd like." I suggest as we walk into the living room where Luke hands Lacey her breakfast.

"Actually, Gracie, the boys and I were gonna take Lacey to that fun, new amusement park." Ashton chimes.

"Oh, alright. I guess I can just chill out by myself tonight; have a little alone time." I look down.

"Luke can stay with you," Calum rings quickly. I look to him, and his face is beat red.

"That sounds like fun. Would you want to do that?" I ask.

"I would, but I don't have any pajamas." I roll my eyes.

"I live with Michael," I remind him.

"Oh, right. Then yes, I'd love to stay with you."

"Then it's settled. Lacey, all ready? It's already eleven, and it takes an hour and a half to get there." Ashton says. She grabs a small backpack and runs out the door without a word.

"Alright, love you too! Have fun!" I call, rolling my eyes at the fact that she didn't even say bye. Ashton and Calum both come over to kiss my cheek before leaving. "Wait, what about Michael?"

"He's meeting us there." They slam the door.

"Well, looks like it's just you and me." Luke gives a soft smile.

"Looks like it," I begin picking up the dishes and such. "You know, you really didn't have to stay with me. You could have gone with them."

"I'd much rather have a lazy day with you." We put the dishes in the sink, our hands just brushing each other. We both stare at our hands before I quickly pull away, my finger tips tingling.

"Uh, Michael's room is the one right next to mine on the left. His pajamas are in the second drawer from the top in his dresser." I turn back and begin loading the dishwasher.

I hear his footsteps leading away from me. I let out a sigh, leaning against the counter.

"What are you doing, Grace?" I whisper to myself. "Get yourself together."

Luke's P.O.V

I shut the door to Michael's room, leaning against it, and sigh.

"Fuck, Luke," I whisper, "control yourself."

Why does she have to be so closed off? What in the world could have happened to her to make her this way? I just want her to trust me, and give me a chance.

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna make her fall for me. I don't care what it takes. I'm going to get through to this girl.

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