Chapter 9 - Neon River

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Night had fallen as Ven and Mora walked along the river, which reflected the moonshine throughout its surroundings. Many fish were visible, hard to distinguish whether the light made shine or if they glowed on their own, they swam down with the current in the opposite direction. Moth-like bugs flew around like fireflies making their own light, except their light shone in many colors, blue, yellow, red, green, purple and such. Suddenly the river had become a light road to be followed, with its strong shine scaring away any night creatures thirthisting for prey. Even Ven's skin reflected the moonshine at times blinding even Mora who walked alongside him. They were tired, especially Ven, who had been walking without rest for days, yet the light and breeze gave them energy to keep moving and even feeling a sense of much needed comfort and safety.

After a few hours of walking, They finally reached the village with the stone bridge. But instead of keeping going, they decided to sleep in the village for the rest of the night. The village had many houses made from straw and wood, the ground was paved with stones, candle lights and trapped moth-like fireflies illuminated it's streets. People of many races still walked around, entering and leaving their houses. Ven and Mora were screening for any potential places to sleep when suddenly Ven felt someone grab his arm.

Ven looked behind to see another zeph with a short horn grabbing his arm.

"Wait up, son" Said the zeph.

"I can't run much on my age"

"Hi there." Said Ven as he smiled, surprised to see another zeph so far from home.

"I didn't think I would see another zeph here"

"That makes two of us, son."

"Three." Said Mora, suddenly.

"I didn't expect to meet one zeph let alone two on the same day."

"Three." Said the other zeph.



"No what?"

"You're gonna meet three zeph today. You look like you've been traveling for a while, come to our house to rest and I'll introduce you to my partner. It's been ages since we last talked with one of our kind"

"Sure!" Said Ven without any reservations.

Mora was still confused and didn't expect Ven to accept help from a stranger so fast, she was concerned as she lagged behind Ven who had already started walking with the other zeph. She picked up the pace enough to get close to Ven, where she would curve herself in whisper on his ear.

"Ven, you're sure it's okay to trust this guy?"

"Sure, he's a zeph and..." Ven stopped talking as he saw the blackned mark on the zeph's hand as they walked.

Ven stopped walking upon realizing that this zeph might have lied. He expressed his concern.

"Wait, you said you had a partner but your mark is black."

"Yes... You see... I do have a partner. I wasn't lying it's just..." Mora interrupted the zeph.

"You started dating again after your former partner passed away?"

"The zeph don't usually do that." said Ven as Mora's suspicion grew.

"No, no. We have always been together, but our marks were always black..."

"Wait. You don't mean your bonding went wrong?"

"Unfortunately... Yes, as hard as that might be to believe that's what happened and why we left." Said the other zeph with a bit of sadness.

"No way! That's why I left!"

"Your black mark... It's not because of a dead partner?"

Ven smiled as he shook his head in a negative motion.

"What are the odds... But where is your partner then?"

"He's at home..." Ven stopped smiling as he reminded himself of Leif.

"Why isn't he with you, son?"

"He... He became kinda sick after the bonding." Ven looked away in shame while stroking his arm.

"So you just left him? Surely, you can't be serious."

"I'm serious, and my name is Ven. I wouldn't want to bring him out here into danger for my own sake."

"Your own sake?" The zeph couldn't be more confused but decided to keep trying to understand.

"Why did you leave the village, Son?"

"To find a way to fix this." Said Ven while showing his mark to the other zeph.

"Fix it how?"

"I don't know yet..."

"I see... Come, I'll introduce you to my partner, we can talk more and then eat and rest."

After this exchange of words, Ven and Mora trusted the other zeph for he didn't sound harmful. He presented himself as "Ubbo" and brought Ven and Mora to his home, where his partner "Enya" awaited him. She was indeed another zeph who bore the same mark as Ubbo. She too was surprised to see another zeph and gladly took them in.

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