Chapter 13 - Final Destination

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Ven stopped walking as Mora kept going until she realized it. She looked around nervously as Ven stood still and serious. After a while the Zenno started to approach them ever more until they were surrounded. Dozens of red stared at them. Mora thought about drawing an arrow to maybe scare them but Ven signalled for her to stop. A few on the zenno moved aside as one of them walked towards Ven and Mora. He had a giant scar on his right eye and many more around his body. The symbol on his chest blacker than the night. When he was face to face with Ven he smirked as he started to talk.

"It's been a while since I last saw a zeph, you usually run when you see us. Yet you're not running when you should. Why is that?"

"I've come to ask for your help."

The zenno let out a forced laughter and then with an angry expression asked Ven:

"And why should I help a zeph?!"

Ven looked away from him trying to think of something to say. He thought to himself: "What would Leif say?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Why? Because you're a zeph that's why! We are opposites!"

"More horns maybe... Anatomy? Very similar."

The zenno didn't knew what to say, his mouth stood open as he tried to find a counter argument. Despite their differences, they didn't have any explicits feuds. Ven proceed to talk.

"We really look alike and your horns are pretty cool if you ask me. We could be friends instead of opposites."

The zenno now stood serious as he thought about what Ven said. After a while he responded.

"Alright, we will help you if we can."


"But!... You'll leave right after and the zeph will owe us for it." The zenno interrupted Ven.

"That... Sounds reasonable enough..."

"So? What do you want?"

Ven took a deep breath and showed the zenno the back of his right hand where his blacked out mark stood. The zenno was surprised to see the blacked out mark for he knew what it meant, he felt a little sympathy for Ven as he thought his partner had died, he didn't flinch or move a single muscle. Ven proceeded to talk.

"Do you know how to fix this mark?!"

Once again the zenno was surprised but this time it was enough to make his expression change for a second.

"Are you sure you want to do that? There's no going back after you do it."

"So you do know a way?!"

"Yes, we do. But it's not something we do often or at all."

"Yes! I knew it!"

Ven looked at Mora smiling who now was very confused between fear, surprise and happiness. Ven turned his attention back to the zenno who didn't share his enthusiasm.

"What do I have to do?"

"It escaped me for a second. If you're asking if there's a way then you don't know about it at all, right?"


"First I have to ask, why would you want to erase your mark?"

"Erase? I want to fix it"

"What do you mean by "fix it"? Don't you want to erase it cause your partner died?"

"What? No, Leif's alive."

"Your partner's?... Your partner's alive?"

"Yes... You see, our bonding didn't go well..."

"Oh... It's been a while since that happened to one of us.. Usually we only do this to erase the pain of a widow or widower."

"Erase the pain? It can do that?"

"Yes, but there's a price most are not willing to pay."

Ven shrugged for he knew this price couldn't be anything good. He reluctantly proceed to ask:

"What's... What's the price?"

"All the memories you had about your partner and most of your loved ones."

"So... if I give up my memories... Will my partner's suffering disappear?"

"I don't know. Maybe. Like I said only those who can't cope with the loss of their partner are the ones who usually do this. Our memories are who we are in a way, and to forget your loved one's it's almost an insult. We know the pain can be unbearable so we don't judge those who choose that path."

Ven looked concerned, he didn't knew what to do or say. Mora looked at him and felt bad for him, she knew it was not an easy choice.

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