Chapter 10 - Shadow of a doubt

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Inside, Ven had explained to the older couple what happened to him and Leif, how he met Mora and how they came to be in this village. Ubbo and Enya held their hands together, saddened by his story they told their tale in turn.

"When Ubbo and I went through the bonding ceremony and it failed we couldn't understand why. We still felt strongly about each other so we kept living our lives." Said Enya and Ubbo continued.

"But sometimes our people are a little... too much. They all treated us like we were or should be miserable and we didn't feel any different at all."

"So we decided to move far away to someplace where people didn't knew what the mark meant and wouldn't treat us differently for good or for worse. Luckily we found this village that always housed people from many different races."

"So we made this place our home... And all of this was such a long time ago, to see another zeph after this much time..."

"You didn't feel different?" Ven interrupted Ubbo who, surprised, stood silent for a second.

"No, neither of us did. We were worried things would change but only people's behaviour towards us changed." Enya Answered.

"Maybe you should go home to your partner, son. You should decide together what to do next."

"Leif... feels different than before. I can't face him until I fix it."

"There might not be a way to fix it, son..."

Ubbo and Enya knew Ven felt like it was his fault from his story.. They didn't believe that there was a way to fix it either, in their case it didn't even need fixing. They wondered most about how Ven's partner was feeling. Ven looked like he still cared for him very much despite the guilt and the way he described Ven's behaviour felt off. But they couldn't be sure of anything since their case was so different from Ven's and Leif's despite having the same premise. Ven just felt tired and drained, Mora already slept on a makeshift bed made with cushions. The zeph couple had prepared a bath and food for them but Mora was already asleep and Ven looked like he was about to pass out on the floor, so they helped him to a spare bed when by the time his head hit the pillow he was already asleep.

Ven slowly opened his eyes as sunshine hit his face through a window. He got out of his bed trying to remember how he got there in the first place. Mora was already up and waiting for him so they could go on with their journey. Ven started to hear the village noises outside as he realized it wasn't as early in the morning as he thought. Enya and Ubbo were awake and offered them breakfast before they left. As they ate Enya and Ubbo tried to convince Ven on taking a different path for he walked a dubious and dangerous one in their eyes.

"Ven, Me and Enya were talking and we thought that you could bring your partner here and we could help you two since we're alike."

"That's... That's a nice offer but... The last time I've seen someone like Leif is right now, no one's word could reach them. I've made up my mind. I won't stop looking until I find a way to fix our broken bond."

"I see... If you ever reconsider please come to us at any time. We'll be here for you."

"Thank you, Enya. Thank you, Ubbo. For everything... I can't wait to tell everyone at our village about you!"

"Please don't." Said Ubbo in fear.

"Yes, we might not have room for all the possible guests." Enya said while forcing a smile.

Ven and Mora finished eating, thanked the zeph couple once again and left, crossing the stone bridge and leaving the village with their head's full of thoughts after meeting the couple.

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