Chapter 12 - Night sky and it's Light

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Ven and Leif, in their youth, laid down beside each other on the cliff along the shore. They stared into the night sky filled with stars as far as one could see, the moonshine reflecting on their skin making their surroundings illuminated as if the moon made them a spotlight. They traded innocent words.

"What do you think these lights on the sky are, Leif?"

"They're obviously gods, Ven."

"All of them?! Don't you think there's too many gods?"

"Of course not, dummy. There's one for each person. Obviously."

"Of course! You're so smart, Leif. I thought they were very tiny moons."

Leif smiled and became glad with Ven's compliment. Full of himself he kept talking.

"Yeah, I'm a year older than you so I know all sorts of stuff you don't."

"Oh... That makes sense."

Said Ven, gullible as ever despite wanting to question Leif's logic for he thought a year was not that much but didn't want to upset him. Leif continued.

"Stick with me and I'll teach all you need to know."

"Like what else?"

"Huh... Did you know that..."

Leif struggled to remember something Ven wouldn't know so he decided to make something up that sounded smart to impress Ven.

"That some zeph can fly when they're older?"

"What? I've never seen an adult flying around before."

"That's because once they gain their wings they fly away to far away places, dummy."

"Oh, that makes sense, I hope I can fly when I get older too."

"I don't know, only the smartest zeph usually grow wings and you're a dummy."

"Stop calling me dummy!..."

Leif smiled in pride as Ven pouted. They stayed in silence for a short while while the wind blew gently through the air until Ven asked a question.

"What about their mates?"


"The mates of the zeph who grow wings and fly away, what happens to them? "

"Well... Obviously they grow wings as well and fly away together."

"I see..."

Ven felt embarrassed and reluctantly proceeded to ask Leif another question.

"Leif... When you gain your wings... Will you be my mate so I can fly away with you?"

Leif was thunderstruck at first but quickly became embarrassed and extremely glad, his heart started to beat faster. He struggled to answer.

"Of... Of course, dummy... How would we keep hanging out otherwise?"

Ven became glad and smiled from one side of his cheek to the other. While still looking at the sky he moved his hand to hold Leif's, who surprised at first, held his hand back as both stayed embarrassed and kept looking at the sky in silence for the rest of night.

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