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"Wait, no we can't", you say

"Why", Charles (your other brother) says

"We can't go without bringing cookies", you say.

This is hard, you thought, why can't I just admit that.......let's just forget about it. Let's pretend nothing has ever happened between us.

"Ok", your dad says grabbing some cookies.

You guys head out to your patio.

The Bassett family comes up to your patio and your stomach drops completely

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The Bassett family comes up to your patio and your stomach drops completely. You feel sick to your stomach. You run inside and go straight to the bathroom. You puke and you lock yourself in there.

*Knock knock*

"Go away, I don't feel well", you say

"Is everything ok", your mom says.

"I I don't know", you say

"Well just come on, this is something to look forward to", your mom says.

"Yeah", you say

When you guys get back outside, you see them standing there waiting to meet you guys.

You feel sick to your stomach.

You stand next to your brothers. And look down at your feet.

"Hi, it's so great to meet you", your mom says.

"Hey, it's great to meet you too", the lady says, "I'm Laura, and this is my husband Taylor.

"I am (your mom's name) and this is my husband (your dad's name)", your mom says," these are my kids, Charles, Samuel, and y/n"

"Nice to meet you guys", Laura says," these are my kids, Winter, Hannah, Allison, Ashley, Claire, and lastly, Joshua"

Joshua. No, this isn't it. I can't face my biggest fear. I just can't. You think to yourself. Joshua. Joshua. Joshua. That name kept replaying in your head so many times and you just can't take it anymore. You breakdown into tears. You are crying uncontrollably.

Authors note~ I'm trying not to give you guys their past yet. I want this to really bother you on why she/you can't see or talk to Joshua.

Joshua Bassett: The exWhere stories live. Discover now