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When we got home we went to my room and just talked about nothing. Absolutely nothing. Then out of nowhere, Josh says "remember the first time we kissed"

"Yeah I do", you say

You were each other's first kiss. First everything. Of course you remembered. You have every memory of you guys stored in an important part of your brain. You remember everything from the first time you met him to the first kiss to the first time you did the nasty and to the last time you said goodbye.

"We were our first everything", Josh says.

You know where this is leading and you are more than ready for him to come back into your life.

"It, it was kind of amazing", you say

"Yeah, I really missed you, you know", Josh says

"I missed you too",you say.

"Dinner", your mom says.

You and Josh get the others and head downstairs. You have a gigantic dinning room table, so you all fit at it. The parents go to the living room though.

They are trying to talk quietly, but you can hear them.

"I just can't believe they were together", Laura says.

"Yeah, how did we not know that, we are literally neighbors. How did they not know they were neighbors", your dad says.

"Who knows with kids anymore" Taylor says making everyone out there laugh.

"I hope they get back together", your mom says.

"Oh, they will, they are clearly meant for each other, they even went out this morning like they were dating. She just wasn't ready to say the "L" word", Laura says

You then get distracted when you feel a hand lay on your thigh. You jump a little because it startled you.

"Sorry", Josh says and takes his hand off your thigh

"No, it's fine, it just startled me a little", you say putting his hand back on your thigh while you are holding onto his hand.

After dinner and dessert, you all go to the living room and watch a movie.


You wake up in your bed. you don't remember waking up stairs.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you", Josh says placing you in the bed

"It's fine", you say still half asleep.

"Soooooo, what time is it", guy also say sitting up.

"Eleven", Josh says

"Is anyone awake", you say

"Nah I don't think so, everyone went to bed pretty early", he says

Some silence passes.

"Hey Josh, remember when we went on this roller coaster and I was really scared", you say

"Yeah, I remember", he says chuckling

"It wasn't funny, I was really scared, but that's not what I was getting at", you say

"Then what were you getting at", Josh says

"You held me tight and didn't let go, you held me like it was the last time you would ever hold me", you say

"Yeah, I did", he says looking at your eyes and then your lips, back and forth.

You don't know what to do, so you get up to get changed.

"Don't peek" you say giggling.

"I won't" Josh says giggling also

"Ok, you can look now", you say

"Ooooooook", he says laughing

He then walks over to you and pulls you closely into a hug. He places his arms on your waist and you warp your arms around the back of his neck. You both stay in that place until he kisses you. You instantly kiss him back. He deepens this kiss by pulling your waist into him. If you couldn't get closer already. You grab the hair on the back of his neck. This soon turns into a make out session. You both pull away after a minute or two. Man, you missed those kisses and make out sessions. You both catch your breath and you make out again. He pulls you into the bed and you make out on the bed. After making out for ten minutes. You both pull away out of breath. You can't believe it. You made out with your ex. Joshua Taylor Bassett. Your ex. Joshua Bassett. You made out with him. Wow.

"I really missed those times", you say

"Me too baby", Josh says.

His face immediately goes red at the name he had just called you and he buries his face in the pillow.

"Hey, it's fine, it's really fine", you say and you roll him back over.

"Really", he asks

"Yeah" you say with a smile on your face causing him to smile.

"We should go to bed now", he says, "baby"

Oh God, that gave you so many butterflies, you could explode right now. And the way he said baby. You snuggle up against him and fall asleep.

THEY MADE OUT!?!!!!!!??!!!!
finally you and Josh can figure everything out and be together again, but ofc it won't be all sunshine and rainbows, you will have some more problems with things about your past........

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! I have fun making it!

Luv u babes -izabella 💞

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