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"ok, let me go get my guitar" Josh says.

He go grabs his guitar from his house and comes back in. Ok, it's called do it all again, written by me.

"Wow, had no idea it was written by you", Laura says sarcastically

[Verse 1]
It's been 6 weeks since we said our goodbyes
I can't forget what was
So excuse the mess I made when you were mine
I'm still learning how to love

I know you're nervous
But I won't let you fall
And we weren't perfect
But you were worth it all
If it were my call
I'd do it all again
I'd do it all again
I'd do it all again

[Verse 2]
I'm not yet used to only being friends
This hurts too much to hide
And I watched you walk into another's arms
I thought we had more time

I know you're nervous
But I won't let you fall
And we weren't perfect
But you were worth it all
If it were my call
I'd do it all again

I know you're nervous
But I won't let you fall
And we weren't perfect
But you were worth it all
If it were my call
I'd do it all again
I'd do it all again
I'd do it all again

You have tears in your eyes at the end of this. You hug Joshua just like the hugs you guys used to have. Nice long warming hugs. Oh, you especially missed those. At this point, it's one a.m.

"That was amazing", your dad says,

"Listen, it seems like you guys are so happy, so why don't we have a sleepover at my house", your mom says

"Sure, I'll go get the others", Josh says

"Don't let go of that boy", your mom says

"Yeah, that's the only guy I like that you are dating", your dad says

"We are not dating",you say

"Trust me honey, with a past like that, you guys will be together again by the end of this week" Laura says

Your face starts to get red so you tell them you are going to bed. Just then, they all walk in the house. Your house is really big, so Hannah and Claire are together, Charles and Sam are together, Winter is on her own, Ashley and Allison are together, and lastly, Josh is with you. You all say you goodnights and head to bed.

"I do still love you", you say as you close your door," I've never stopped loving you"

"I haven't either. I will always love you, and even though it hurt me to see you walk away, I still loved you. None of the girls I was with compared to you in any way", he says

"And none of their lips were like yours", you say.

He laughs at that, turns off the light, and pulls you close. He hugs you, a deep, nice, long hug. He then pulls you into the bed and turns on your TV. You guys are watching Jessie. You both fall asleep before the TV was turned off. You are barely awake, but you hear your parents come turn your TV off. You knew they were right. You and Josh will be together before the end of this week is over. I mean, look how happy we are together. We put our past behind us. We started over. Just like Josh sang, if it were my call, I'd do it all again. Then it can be his call. I want it to be his call. You think to yourself before completely falling asleep.

Joshua Bassett: The exWhere stories live. Discover now