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You wake up and see Josh next to you asleep still. You want to get out of here so bad. You try and move, but it hurts too much. Josh senses that you moved and he wakes up.

"Morning love", Josh says

"Good morning, did I wake you up, sorry", you say

"No, your fine, Josh says and places a kiss on your forehead.

"I just wanna get out of here so bad", you say.

"You just have to wait a couple months. That's all", Josh says trying to make you happy.

"But I can't, I have so much ahead of me. I have so much to do", you say as you start panicking

"Calm down babe, everything will be alright", I wrote a song for you", Josh says so happily

"Really, can I hear it", you ask

"Yeah, let me go get my guitar", Josh says

"Ok", you say.

While he was gone, you started to get dizzy, but didn't really think anything of it. It started to get really worse, so you called for a nurse. When she came, she seen you passed out and you were out cold. Soon, there was multiple doctor's in there trying to save your life. You had passed out due to the lack of blood in your system. Josh rushes in the room even though the doctors told him he can't be in there.

"Hey, hey it's me, Josh I don't care what the doctors say, just listen to me while I sing you the song, ok", Josh say

"Mhm", you are barely able to say

(Yes, I know this is by Ed Sheeran and I know I clicked on the acoustic. Remember Josh only has his guitar so I had to put the acoustic in here. Let's pretend this is by Josh)

"When your legs don't work like they used to before, and I can't sweep you off of your feet. Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks", Josh starts singing

When he gets done singing, all of a sudden, your awake and perfectly normal again.

"That was beautiful", you say

"You were passed out, I thought you couldn't hear anything", Josh says

"Yes I was", you say

"Your song saved her, son, do you believe in miracles", the doctor says

"Yes, of course I believe in miracles", Josh says

"Well, that's what just happened. She was very unstable, and she wasn't even alive. She was somehow brought back by your song, she needs you to stay with her. You are a huge help right now", the doctor says

"I will stay as long as you need me to doc", Josh says


~A couple months later~

"Baby!!! We get to go home today", you say so excited.

"I know, I get to spend so much more time with you. I can't wait", Josh says excited too

When you guys get home.
You both go straight up to your room, but Josh carries you because he doesn't want you to do to much or get hurt.

"Soooo, can we watch Finding Nemo", you ask.

"Fine", Josh says then chuckles.

"Wow", you say as Josh lays you in bed, "it feels so much better than the hospital bed"

"Oh, it does baby", Josh giggles making you giggle.

Josh got up in bed with you and you snuggled right into his chest.

"I love you, I don't know what I would do without you", you mumbled into his chest

"I love you too, you are my everything love", Josh says as you fall asleep


A/n this was hard to make at the beginning because of what happened with y/n and Josh. That was a very emotional part of this story for me to write. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am updating every other day!

Love you babes-Izabella ❤️

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