Part 10

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Tati's POV:

That day after school Ruel asked me to hang out, he seemed pretty stressed ever since the phone call he got in the last lesson of the day. Unfortunately my dad said that I needed to get groceries for us. I politely declined his offer to hang out and left school to go straight to the grocery store.
"Shit I forgot the list" I hissed as I reached into my blazer pocket realising the small bit of paper wasn't there. Oh well I'll have to go from memory then. I was walking through the chip isle and saw that they had those Cheeto puff things, I think I had seen them in Ruel's room before so I got them just in case he liked them. I got all the things that I remember from the list and a few cheeky extras. I checked out and walked home. The bags were really heavy. As I walked around the corner from the store a girl who was a bit older than me came and asked if I needed any help carrying the bags home. She obviously saw I was struggling, I accepted her help because I was just about dragging the bags on the ground.
"Thank you so much for helping me!" I say getting a proper look at the girl now. She resembled Coco a bit with the blonde hair and everything.
"Oh no problem, I recognised the uniform and thought I would help"
"Well my house is only a few streets away if you wouldn't mind coming all the way"
"Sure no problem, I'm Sylvie by the way"
"Tati, it's nice to meet you"
"I see you have Cheetos, my brother absolutely loves them"
"Haha I got them for my friend for when he comes over, I honestly have no idea what they even are"
"Hahaha, I don't get why he likes them to be honest, he goes to your school in year 11"
"I'm year 11 too but I'm new so I doubt I would know him"
"His name is Ruel"
"WAIT, No way!"
"Oh yeah he's kinda famous... right ahah"
"Yeah I know, but your Sylvie as in his sister"
"Um yeah" at this point I feel like she's thinking wow what a weirdo.
"Oh he's my friend I'm not a stalker fan or anything"
She seems more weirded out than before.
"Just one sec" I pull out my phone and face time Ruel.
"Hey!" I sat into the FaceTime
"Hey cutie, he says back"
Sylvie looks confused now because she probably thinks it's from a live or something.
I turn the camera around and both Ruel and Sylvie have the weirdest looks on their faces.

Ruel's POV:

When Tati turned the camera around Sylvie,my sister, was standing there with her.
She wasn't supposed to meet my family without me there so I can properly introduce them. This is not going to my plan at all. SHIT. Oh well at least they have met!

Sylvie's POV:

Honestly I was thinking wow this girl must be obsessed with my brother the way she was acting.
She turned the phone around and there he was. She was actually friends with him. That's a relief!

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