"Welcome back"

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"So, you telling me that you moved out to Florida with Roshaun and Alvaro, the prophets some how got to you, and chased you back here?" Diego clarifies.

"Yes, and now I don't know where else to go except here." Cesar answers.

"How much money do you have left?" Oscar asks.

"About 145k, we can put it to good use." Cesar says.

"Yes, but for now, you have to lay low, we can't let the prophets know you are back in town, or it will cause major problems." Oscar announces.

"Damn, I wanted to go back to school with my bestie." Cesar smiles and elbows me.

"Cesar, you're gonna stay in the basement, Izzy, Diego, would you please help him set up his stuff?" Oscar asks.

"Yeah for sure," Diego says jumping up from the couch.

"I'll be right there." I add following his steps.

Diego decided to ditch me and go watch TV upstairs, while I was setting up his bed, I told him everything, the party, the boys, my dream, them joining, the shootout, Mattia.

"So this Mattia guy, huh? Cesar says shining a smile.

"Yeah, honestly I don't know about him, he's different, but I don't wanna jump to conclusions, we gotta have Patience. I don't wanna have thing ending up like they did with mar." I frown at the last part while pulling the bed sheet over the mattress.

"I'm glad that douche moved to Canada." Cesar rolls his eyes while pulling the other bedsheet side onto the mattress.

"Me too." I mumble

"So when can I meet this Mattia boy?" He smirks exaggerating his name.

"Maybe tomorrow, after school. We usually meet back here. You can also see Alejandro and Kairi." I say puffing his pillows.

"Bet, I'm always down to make some new friends." He says placing down the other pillow.

"I'm hungry, wanna get something to eat?" I say walking back up to the living room.

"Yeah can we get mc donalds?" Cesar asks following my steps.

"Yeah sure cmon" I answer grabbing my car keys off the counter.

"You want anything, rat fuck?" I refer to Diego sitting on the couch.

"Yeah get me some fries fatass" Diego replies not taking his eyes off the screen.

On the way to Mc Donalds I pass by Mattia's house since it's on the way there. I turn my head and see him hugging a girl around our age, then I see her kissing his cheek. My heart drops to the fucking floor. I'm on the verge of tears while driving, I swallow the big lump in my throat and just face ahead.

"You good iz?" Cesar says examining my face.

"Yeah I'm fine." I reply not taking my eyes off the road.

After we get our food, I see this car on the other side of the road going about 55-65 mph. My face drops as soon as it veers off the bridge. Something hit me in the head.

*flash back*

I walk into my house to see Oscar and Diego sitting there on the couch in tears. I just had my birthday party for turning 12.

"What happened?" I ask h Them sitting down.

"When mom died, she had depression, and we weren't even able to help her or fix it." Oscar says staring into the wall with tears in his eyes.

When he said that the whole world stopped for me, best birthday of my fucking life :)

*Flash back over*

Since that very day, I grew sadder, I didn't know what it was. I read somewhere online that depression could be hereditary. No, I couldn't be depressed, could I? NO! I'm just confused. But when I saw that car slam into the wall, maybe mom's car crash wasn't an accident...

I felt my eyes become glossy and my throat is dry. I wipe my eyes away and go back home. When I passed Mattia's house I saw no one there, just the porch lights on.

We got back to the house, I gave Diego his food and ate mine quick, then I rushed upstairs to my room and closed my door shut.

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