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•|Caden’s POV|•

I watched her as she munched her popcorns, sipping coke in between while intently looking at the scene that was going on in the movie. She was so endorsed that she had completely forgotten about her surrounding, I could state that from her ignorance towards Joshua’s and Grace’s fight. They bicker a lot for someone known as best friends.

I have known her from kindergarten, she had always been everyone,’s favourite. From teachers to students to random people she met in the streets, everyone loved her, her loving nature, her smiling personality, her acceptance towards everything, even if it required giving second or third or infinite chances to someone who did something wrong to her— like me— she always forgave people easily, that was how she was, but it irked me.

It was just not possible for someone to be this good, there has to be some flaw, something, anything! She did not even know I existed until fifth grade when I had to sit beside her. She was always lost in her own small bubble which I wanted nothing more than burst. I always believed that she was faking it, all the smiles and happiness, she was clearly faking it because no one could have all the things they want, but as the time flew by, I realised not even one day passed by where she was not smiling and spreading happiness.

Like a ray of sunshine.

No one could fake it for so long and that was when I started getting jealous of her. On one hand where I had to work my ass of to maintain my A’s and B’s, she kept on scoring A’s even without trying. We all have had parents’ problems growing up, but from what I had heard from Joshua, her parents were the coolest, supporting her in anything and everything, she did not have any worries in this world.

But then I caught her crying, twice.


I was right, she was faking it all along.

I wanted to hurt her, break her apart, I wanted to let her know what a pain felt like, but I couldn’t, not after finding out that she had her problems too, she was just really good at hiding. That night when I found her in the park, it was no coincidence, Joshua had asked me to look for her because she had walked away after having an argument with Grace.

I did not want to go, I refused, but Joshua said he was with his dad in the middle of something really important and if I did not go and look for her, then he would have to leave, he played the emotional blackmailing card and I had to go. I tried traumatizing her, but it backfired as I felt guilty about it for days, but it angered me more that she did not hate me even after I acted like a jackass, thrice, all I wanted was her to hate me, why could she just not hate me?

Why did she have to befriend everyone?

Was it all really a facade or was she actually genuine?

That girl had occupied my mind even without trying. I turned my head on hearing her gasp, I hated her for not letting me pay attention to the movie and that was when I heard her whisper, “He is hot, but he is really dumb. How can he go into that damn house even after knowing there had been more than five murders in there?!”

True that.

Taking a deep sigh, she shook her head, popping another popcorn in her mouth and turned her head towards me. Her eyes widened at first on finding me already looking at her, but then her face warmed up as she offered me her popcorns with a smile.

That damn smile.

“I don’t like caramel popcorns.” She gasped and took a few out before pushing her hand forward and motioning me to take them.

“As I said, no caramel.” But she was persistent on making me eat them, so she pushed her hand right before my mouth and I raised my eyebrows at her, “Open your mouth.” She commanded.

“Shouldn’t it be the other way around?” I gave her a mischievous look and she slapped my arm making me laugh more at her scared expressions.

“That is so unholy!”

“But it’s fun.”

“Sounds tiresome to me.” She shrugged her shoulders and forcefully put a few popcorns in my mouth, her fingers resting on my lips and before she could pull her hand back, I licked her index finger and said in a husky voice, “We can find that out tonight.”

I had never seen her face that red before.

She was doing something to me and I was not liking it, I had a whole motto fixed in my head as to how I was going to torture her, but it flew all out of the window when she looked at me with those big doey eyes, “You need jesus, you need an entire bucket of holy water.”

“We are not seventeen anymore, Sunshine.”

“Doesn’t make any less unholy to me.”  She turned her head towards the screen and pouted her lips, making my eyes fixated on them for a good few seconds, they looked really pink and plump— I shook my head to get rid of all the bad thoughts and started watching the movie, but as they say, girls are every boys weakness and when that girl looks like Rosaline Willow, you are a goner.

As much as I would not like to admit it, but she was a real definition of beauty. In today’s world of filler lips and plastic body, she was an amazing sight to watch with naturally pink, slightly pumped lips and hazel eyes. There were no freckles on her face, but there were two beauty marks, one right beside her right eyebrow and the other on the side of her chin.

She had a naturally great figure, but Joshua was right, she was losing weight. Her dirty blonde hair were long and ended below her waist, they were always in lose natural curls, too bad she did not always left them open, they were always either in a ponytail or a messy bun, but she looked great in everything— Yet another thing in which she was flawless.

It may seem like I liked her, but I did not, I was just trying to get to know her.


There are not going to be anymore Caden's povs and I hope we all have got a good picture of him and as to why he reacts the way he reacts.

If anything, ask me.

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