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•|Rosaline's POV|•

"I feel like I am on a movie set." Joshua said, clapping his hands making the moment kinda  embarassing for the both of us.

"Yes, where I am made the villian." Steve scoffed from the side, glaring at Caden who showed him the bird making me laugh at the grown men acting like kids.

"So..." Grace trailed, looking expectantly at me.

"So?" I asked back.

"Shall I call Dr. Kelly to get your approval?" Although I wanted to get the treatment so bad, there was still a slight percentage of unsurety that was stopping me from getting the treatment. Maybe I was acting selfish, maybe I was keeping my happiness before everyone else, but I was talking about life and death here and I didn't want to mess anything up.

Looking at my doubtful face, Grace looked up at the ceiling and I already knew that she was trying to hold back her tears where as Joshua did not even care and started crying. Steve on the other side looked hurt, his lips were turned upside down and he was fisting his hair tightly.

"I—I'll be back in a minute." Steve muttered and turned away, walking out of the room, but the moisture in his eyes did not go unnoticed.

Gosh, how could I be so selfish?

This was not me.

"Can I please talk to Caden in private?" I looked up and asked my friends and they instantly nodded and walked out of the room, leaving me all alone with the person who was intently staring at me with love, adoration and hurt.

Yes, I was really happy to have friends like the ones that I had and I knew that they loved me to death, but what if the person I loved, the person who was playing a really important part in me getting the treatment and the person that I never wanted to lose ends up losing me? What if he suddenly realise that he didn't love me anymore? What if what he feels right now is not love and just mere affection?

All the what if's and negative thoughts were running in my head and as much as I was trying to push them all away, they were not going anywhere.

I was scared.

This treatment was no joke, once you agree to get it, you are done for.

As if reading my mind, he held my hands in his and looked lovingly at me. He softly rubbed his thumb against the back of my skin and kissed both my hands before looking straight into my eyes, his eyes moistening with tears, "I won't leave you, Sunshine, I promise I won't leave you.  I will never leave you if that's what you are worried about. I mean it when I say that I love you. I fucking love you with all of my mind, body, soul and my entire being. Please trust me, Sunshine. I might be a bad person, but I am not a monster. I promise I would never get angry at you or call you bad words, I give you the right to beat me with a fucking bat if I ever step out of the line, just don't fucking leave me. I won't be able to live without you, I will die breathing, Sunshine."

Without saying anything, I wrapped my hands around his torso and hugged him tightly while crying my guts out. Oh God, how did I even find such a beautiful person? At this moment, I did not want to think of the future and just pay attention to the present because what I was feeling right now was pure bliss.

I felt blessed to have someone like him holding me, it felt like heaven, just so peaceful.

"I love you so much." I whispered in between the sobs and pulled him closer.

"Promise me that you will never leave me." I begged, looking at him with a tear strained face. He rubbed the tears away with his thumbs and kissed the top of my forehead.

"Never, I promise."


"As we all know that we don't have much time to spare, I am going to start preparing for the operation and we can start the procedure in two hours exact. Good?" Dr. Kelly said while looking through some of my blood reports and analysing whatever she had to analyse.

I nodded my head and passed her a small smile, but deep down I was scared, we all were. Looking my nervous state, Dr. Kelly comfortably held my arm and spoke,

"Everything is going to be fine, I promise."

And I believe her.

She left and Grace instantly came by my side and hugged me in order to comfort me and I passed her a smile saying that I was okay, but I was not and who would be before going into the operation theatre?

"Can you fucking believe it?!" Steve suddenly exclaimed, barging into the room.

"What happened pretty boy?" I asked, as Caden growled in annoyance and that was when I realised that I could no flirt with Steve as my relationship with Caden had finally taken a new turn and it would be disrespectful to him, unless he agrees, ofcourse, but was that going to happen?

Nah, not in a million years.

"I told Jeff about your situation..."


"He gave you a three months leave, can you believe it? A fucking three months leave without cutting any pay! I mean, that's obviously a good thing, but the last time I asked him to give me a leave for two days, he flipped, threw a fit and even then cut my pay, how biased!" He ranted and I laughed looking at his tantrums.

"He didn't actually cut it, Steve." I chuckled.

"Yes, but he scoffed while giving me the cheque."

"And you care about him scoffing?" Joshua asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I couldn't care less about that old hag." He muttered under his breath.

"Doesn't look like it." Caden chuckled, making Steve glare at him and that was when I realised how lucky I was to have such beautiful people around me.

Oh, how bad of me to not agreeing to get the treatment in the first place!

But better late then sorry, right?


I know it's a short chapter, forgive me.

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