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•|Rosaline’s POV|•

As decided, Joshua came to my place later after the movies and dinner, Grace definitely threw a fit about how he get to stay at my place and she doesn’t, but after a lot of heated discussion we managed to send her back to her own house.

“Why don’t you just change the house, Rose. I can see your parents in every nook and corner of this house, it’s painful.”

“I am not going to stay for too long anyways, Joshua, so it does not really matter.” Creases of confusion appeared on his forehead and he raised his eyebrows at me.

“What do you mean you are not here for too long? Are you planning om going somewhere?” Yes, he didn’t know about my cancer and I wanted to keep it that way only. I already had one of my best friends worrying endless about me, I did not want another one of my best friend going crazy after me, call me stupid, selfish, whatever, I did not care, but I did not want him to look at me with sadness in his eyes, everytime, Grace was enough.

“Yes, somewhere very far.”

“Australia?” He asked and I shook my head.

“I will tell you soon enough, don’t worry.”

“I will go wherever you go because you going somewhere means Grace following you there and if you both are going at the same place, then I am not staying behind.” I chuckled at him, he was really the sweetest.

“Both of you are not going nowhere. Now no more questions, it’s already late enough. Let’s go to sleep.” I was already changed into my night pyjamas and a loose tshirt, so with that said I went under the covers and sighed at the relaxation, Joshua following me soon after.

“It’s cuddles time!” He said excitedly and wrapped his arms around me, as I snuggled into his chest, smiling at the warmth and comfort that he provided. Soon enough, both of us fell into a deep, peaceful slumber and I only wished god for one thing— Please, don’t let it be any nightmares tonight.


“I hate this bitch.” Grace muttered under her breath making Joshua gasp, “Hey, if anything I saved your gas!”

“No one wanted your fucking savings.” All of this commotion was happening since morning and it was lunch time now only because I refused Grace to pick me up for uni as Joshua was already there. Since the Friday meet-up with Dr. Kelly, Grace has been spending more time with me than usual. I could see the hurt in her eyes everytime she looked at me and if she thought I missed her more than usual washroom trips, then she was wrong, I knew she had been secretly crying over me.

As much as it hurt me to see her cry, we both knew it was supposed to happen. We had the date since over a year now, I was supposed to vanish from this earth eventually. She had to be strong, for both of us. Smiling at my friends, I tried to capture the memory in my head as much as I could because as far as I knew, my last days would be spent in a hospital bed.

I let them both continue with their daily dose of bickering and decided to wash my face because someone thought it would be funny to throw some ketchup at me and if you all have not guessed it yet, I was talking about Joshua. I cleared my throat to get their attention and when they still did not look at me, I thumped my fist on the table, now that got their attention.

“I will meet you guys in the next lecture, I am going washroom to wash my face right now.”

“Do you want me to come?” Grace asked and I looked at her in amusement, “I am just going to wash my face, Gracie, no biggie.”

“I am going to come anyways.” She shrugged her shoulders and tried to stand up, but I pushed her back in her seat and gave her a stern look, “Meet you both in the next class, bye.”

The corridor was almost empty as most of the students were either in the canteen or in the library or went out to grab food, but there were still few countable students scattered in the hallway and that was when I started coughing, badly. The intensity of my coughing was increasing badly day by day and I was scared that someone might find out about me.

Not wanting anyone to see me in this condition, I walked in the first door I saw and kneeled down, supporting my body with my hands. The coughing continued and so did the few drops of blood. My body was getting weak with every passing second and I was finding it hard to support my body.

“My meds—” I tried searching for my medicines in my bag, but my body was giving out and my grip from the bag was faltering.

“Fuck, are you okay?” Someone asked, but my body was too much in pain to recognise the voice and I knew if I did not get my medicine, then I would faint right here.

“Meds... bag...” I managed to choke out and they instantly started searching for them in my bag. Soon, I was handed a pill and a bottle of water and I did try to pop them in my mouth, but my body was soon losing it’s consciousness.

“Here, let me help you.” They help me sit properly and popped the pill in my mouth before helping me gulp down the water. Their hand wrapped securely around my shoulder and I was really grateful to them for helping me out. Few minutes passed and soon I started to gain back my senses, the coughing stopped, but the dizziness was still there, less than before, but still there.

“How are you feeling now?”

“Much better, thank you so much.” I looked at them to thank properly, but the lines of fear appeared on my head looking at the person,

“Caden.” I whispered.

“Yes, Sunshine?” His hand was still wrapped around me, drawing soothing circles on my back.

“Can you please not tell anyone what happened in here?” The look of desperation was plastered on my face.

“You spit out blood, Sunshine.”

“Caden, please.” I pleaded him, my cheeks wet with tears.

“Only if you let me take you to the nurse.” My eyes widened in fear and K I frantically shook my head, not caring if I get a terrible headache or not.

“Caden, no, please, I swear I am okay, it happens sometimes, but I am completely fine now, just don’t tell anyone and don’t force me to go to the nurse, I beg you.” I joined my hands before him which he instantly lowered down and asked, “You sure you okay?”

“I am not, but I will be.”

“You look sick.” He stated looking at my pale skin and fragile looking body.

“I am sick.”

“Let me atleast take you home, please.”

“Your classes?” I asked, weakly.

“I will cope up.” I nodded my head and took out my phone, letting Grace know that I was going home with Caden, she would probably get mad at me, but I really didn’t want her to see my like this.

“Thank you for helping me out today.”

“Don’t mention it.”


Ramdan Mubarak to all my Muslim readers! I hope this Ramadan brings immense happiness, joy and blessings into your life.

Remember me in your prayers (if you can).


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