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I get to psych, and say hi to Mrs. Glasby, and take a seat in the middle of the room. I was feeling pretty excited about psych, but then of course Jasper had to walk in, and for some reason he decides to take a seat right behind me. I pull out my binder, and my bag of pens and pencils. Jasper leans forward, and I feel his breath on the back of my head.

"So that new girl," he whispers. "She's pretty hot."

"Cool," I say trying to ignore him.

"How do you know her?"

"She's my neighbor."

"Interesting," he says like he's thinking, but we all know that Jasper doesn't think.

"Jasper will you stop distracting your classmates for me?" Mrs. Glasby snaps. She turns her attention back to the class, and gives Ava Hoffman the syllabus for her to hand out to the class. She starts to walk around, and hand them all out. Mrs. Glasby tells us that we're going to start off the year by talking about Freud, Jung, James, Skinner, and Piaget. Mrs. Glasby is a little old lady that seems to have worked at this god forsaken school since if opened. She's a little strange, and she is a mystery to the people who have never had a class with her. 

Our first class with her wasn't that exciting, and when the bell rings I gather my things, and speed walk to the other end of the building to get to Spanish on time. Mariana is our teacher. She's the youngest teacher we have. She doesn't use Ms. or Mrs. and all the boys drool over her. She has decided to try to exclusively talk in Spanish this year, and I'm trying to translate every word I hear in my notes. Her syllabus is completely in Spanish, and our homework for the night is to translate it. She hands us some grammar packets, and a short story for us to read. 

After what feels like an eternity the bell finally rings to tell us that the day is over, and we're allowed to leave at last. I walk out to Christopher's car. Olivia is already there waiting. I stand next to her.

"So Jasper," I say. "He already started hitting on you."

"Does he do that a lot?" She asks.


"Huh. Well that's good to know."

I see Christopher walking out, and I wave at him as he walks over. He unlocks his car, and we all throw our bags in the back, and climb into the car. 

"Who's getting the aux this time?" He asks.

"You do," I say. "Olivia played her stuff on the way over, and I played a song so it's your turn."

"Will do," He say, and plugs his phone in. He turns on some Gus Dapperton as expected. Our drive isn't to long so we only get to listen to Gum, Toe and Sole, Give it to Me Straight, and Sockboy before we get to Olivia's house. 

"Thanks for the ride guys," Olivia says as she gets out of the car.

"Do you want us to drive you tomorrow?" I ask as she walks up to her house. She turns and nods before unlocking her door, and going inside. Christopher pulls out of her driveway, and pulls up to my house. He turns off the car, and turns to look at me.

"I didn't really get to talk to you very much today," He says looking somewhat disappointed. 

"Yeah," I say. "Do you want to come in, and hang out for a bit. Maybe you could help me with the calc homework."

"Of course," He says. "Let me just text my mom, and tell her where I am."

We get out of the car, and I walk up our walkway, and unlock the door, and walk inside. We are immediately greeted by patches. I walk into the living room, and see that Dad is sitting on the couch reading.

"Hi dad."

"Good afternoon Mr. Elser," Christopher says with a smile. 

"Oh hi Christopher," Dad says looking up from his book. "There's carrots in the fridge, and pretzels in the pantry if you guys are hungry."

I grab the carrots, wash them, and put them in a bowl. We walk up to my room, and Christopher takes a seat on my bed. I sit next to him, and offer him a carrot. 

"So how was your first day?" I ask him.

"It was fine. I wish we had more classes together. Thankfully most of my classes are pretty easy. I can really focus on applying to college, and that's pretty good," he says.

"Yeah. Where are you applying?" I ask him.

"Cornell, Princeton, CWRU, MIT, Duke, Rice, Purdue, USC, Santa Clara, Oregon State, and University of Pittsburgh. They all have really good engineering programs. How about you?"

"I don't have all of them picked out yet, but I like Williams, Bowdin, and Middlebury a lot. My issue is that I don't know what I want to study, but I know that I want a liberal arts school."

"How are you?"

"Not great. I have cancer. You know a bit of a buzzkill," I say and plop my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me, and gives me a tight squeeze. 

"Yeah I know. I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to make it go away."


We keep eating the carrots, and he helps me get my calc homework finished. Afterwards I open my computer, and we watch Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsay. Pop knocks on my door, and I tell him to come in. 

"Hi Christopher, were you thinking of staying for dinner?" Christopher shakes his head.

"No I should probably get going soon. I have homework to do, but it was nice to spend some time here," He gets up, and grabs his backpack. We head downstairs, and I walk him to his car. 

"See you tomorrow buddy," I say, and wave to him as he drives away. I walk back inside, and go back to working on my homework that is due tomorrow. I go down for dinner, and we all sit around the table. We eat, talk, and laugh. It's a nice night. I do the dishes, and go back to work. I go downstairs to say goodnight to dads. I go back to my room, and watch an episode of american horror story before I go to bed. 

I get into my pajamas, brush my teeth, wash my face, and read. I set my alarm, and I slowly fall asleep thinking about my first day at school, and the time I got to spend with Christopher. 

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