Chapter 20

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Mijo's POV 

When the concert was finished me, Val and Al walked with the crowd towards the exit as I heard my phone ringing as I saw the caller ID it was my Aunt. 

"Hey hun how was the concert it's wonderful Aunt and we got back" I said excitedly 

"What really? How?" she said 

As we were walking towards my car I told my Aunt every detail that happened tonight adn she was so happy for me. 

"I'm so happy for you hun if only your Mum was here she would be also happy for you" she said as I heard sobs from the phone 

"I know Aunt plus she's also with me she up there shining every night guiding me" I said as I glance at the sky 

"Oh you and her astrology beliefs" she said chuckling 

As we were about to hopped inside the car someone tapped my shoulder once I turned around I was surprised by the person who it was. 

Luke I hugged him tightly. 

"Thanks for evrything Luke!" I said as tears rolled down my shirt we pulled away as he stroked his thumb to my cheeks to wipe away my tears. 

"No problem remember I always wanted you to be happy" he said 

"But this is so much Luke" i said hugging him 

When I was hugging I heard someone cleared their throat as I turned around I saw a guy almost look like a body guard. 

"Mr. Horan would like to see you sir" he said 

"Oh okay can the girls can come with me?" I said 

"Sure sir as long as they're with you" he said 

He gestured for us to follow while Luke pulled Kiwi for me 'cause I'm getting tired for what the day happened. As we entered at the back of the concert ground I quickly saw Niall as he raced towards me as he hugged me tightly. 

"I'm so sorry" he said sobbing at my hair 

"I'm sorry too Ni" I said sobbing also 

"Aww look at you too" Luke said interupting the two of us 

"Luke can we have a privacy?" I said 

"Sure bae" he said 

"Bae?" Niall asked 

"It's just our friendly names" I said 

"Okay as long you won't call him anything than that" he said

He hugged me tightly as he lifted me off the ground I took off my nose piece as he spun me around in the air and he placed me again on the griound 

"I" he said kissing my forehead 

"Miss" kissing my cheeks 

"You" kissing my nose 

"So much!" he said pecking my lips 

"Me too NiBear!" I said pecking his cheeks 

"You know what to show you my love we'll go to somewhere I should have done before long ago" he said holding my hand as his other hand grabbed Kiwi

"Where Ni?" I asked 

"You'll see" he said as we walked towards the door. 

"But Ni what about Al and Val?" I asked 

"Oh yeah Paul can drove them back home" he said 

"Val, Al we'll be going somewhere and Paul can you drove them back home?" he said speaking to the three 

They all nodded in unison as we walked towards the car park the lot was empty I was relieved as we got on his car. I forgot I can't let my car here. 

"Ni we can't left my car here" I said 

"I'll just get it tomorrow then" he said 

"Okay" I said 

We were both on his car as we entered on a fabulous village more like Hollywoods as I glanced around wondering where he would take me too he stopped infront of an enormous gat. As he pressed the button on the speaker. 

"Who is it?" a girl said through the speaker 

"It's me Niall. Ella!" he said 

"Okay let me open the gate" Ella said 

As the gat opened he drove to the more like mansion house as he parked his car near the pavements. We got out of his car as he jogged towards me so he can walked besides me. 

"Where are we Ni?" I asked 

"We're at Uncle Simon's house" he said 

"What are we doing here you know he'll be mad!" I said 

"I know I just can't let this through anymore" he said 

As we got in the house we walked to a door where Niall knocked as somone said 'come in' I saw the famous Simon Cowell sitting on his chair across from his desk he glance looked up and smirked to the both of us as Niall gestured me to follow him. 

Simon gestured us to take a seat. 

"So why are you here Ni? And who is the young lad?" he said gesturing at me 

"This is Mijo Uncle Si you see he's the boy back in the Philippines and-" he was cutted off by Simon 

"I think I know what's the next thing your gonna say he's your boyfriend isn't he?'" he said 

Both of our jaws mostly dropped. 

"How did you know?" Niall said 

"Well you never brought someone here unless they're really close to you Ni" Simon said 

"Well that's true but Uncle Si I want to come out with him!" he said 

"Well I don't think I can't stop that now but please can you two keep it as a secret first since Ni you know your 5 years contract will be ending soon this June" Simon said 

My jaw dropped. 

"What you'll be ending the band already?" I said 

"Yeah. 'Cause the boys are getting older now Niall's already 21 plus they needed to stick to a wonderful job yah know dear? They can't just be forever stars" Simon says 

"Yeah Boo plus after the contract we can come out already and there won't be fans or paps that will surround us anymore" he said 

"Okay I get it since it's March already I can wait" I said giving them and assuring smile

I was really happy that this is happening but the other side of me was sad that the band would be splitting almost in just 2 months. 

"Thanks Boo" he said hugging me I hugged him back 

"We should go now yeah?" he asked I nodded 

As we said goodbye to Simon we walked back to his car. 

"I can't believe it in just months were gonna be happily together publicly" he said 

"Yeah" I said sighing

Something reminded me that maybe I won't be with along for a time since I have my cancer I won't be with till I get old. 

"Since we got back together I'll take you out for the night again" he said 

"Where Ni?" I asked 

"Somewhere I only know" he said 

"Please tell me" I pleaded him giving my best puppy eyes

"Nope sorry that won't work" he said 

"Fine" I muttered 

Where will he take me? That he's the only one that knows that place?

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