Chapter 5

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Mijo's POV 

As Nialls leaned closer to me I was shocked of what he did next our lips touched but I melted soon in the kiss as I kissed him back. My heart keeps pounding on my chest but this time it beats so loud I think Niall can hear it. As we pulled away I look at him into those blue ocean eyes the eyes I've been dying to see in person then sudden my breathing became difficult as my breathing became heavily. 

"Are you alright?!?" Niall asked in horror 

"I-I c-can't breath!" I said trying to breath in and out 

"Oh my God!" he said standing and grabing something on the bag he brought 

As he pulled a nose piece most like gave it to me. 

"Here put this" he said giving me the nose piece 

I took it and then he pulled out a little oxygen tank and I put the nose piece on my nose. As he opened the tank my breath came back again calming my self. I kept inhaling and exhaling until my breathing came back to normal. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that" he said looking down as the both of us sat on the grass 

"It's alright it's just a thing to me after what happened at the concert it came back again my breathing isn't normal again but I am alright now" I said giving himan assuring smile 

"I'm really sorry Mijo but I really like you it's just-" he trailed off 

"It's just about the management" he said 

"It's alright Niall plus I don't think I deserve you" I said giving him a fake smile I know deep inside that it hurts that I can't love Niall because of the shitting management he has!

"No your wrong I think I'm the one that doesn't deserve you!" he said as he lokk back at me his eyes were almost teary 

"I really don't deserve you Niall I mean look at me I'm fat and ugly I'm not those kind of models who has those awesome perfect bodies" I said 

"But that's the thing Mijo your different from everyone you don't care about your physical looks your different from them" he said smiling at me 

My heart flutters as when he said those words. 

"I like you for being you Mijo" he said 

Before I can say anything a flash struck on the both of us far from us as we both look at the direction where the flash came Niall quickly stand. 

"Shit! The paps we must go now!" He said giving me a hand 

I took his hand and we headed back to the van. The drive back to my place was quiet but not an awkward one the silence was comfortable as I started feeling tired I leaned my head on Niall's shoulder. As he patted me. 

"You should take a nap along the ride and thank God I brought that little oxygen tank" he said 

"Yeah thanks Ni" I said giving him a peck on the cheeks 

Niall blushed at the sudden I pecked his cheeks and I like the feeling I'm the one gives hime to blush. But reality suddenly destroyed me again I remembered we can't be together right? I sighed. 

"What's wrong?" he asked 

"Well it's just- nothing" I said leaning again on his shoulders so I can rest my head 

"Tell me" he said 

"It's just that I can't love you because of your management" I said frowning 

"Don't worry I'll think of something about that but for now get some rest the drive along your way will be long" he said kissing my forehead 

"Okay" I said as I drifted to sleep 

As I was sleeping I oticed someone shaking my shoulder. 

"Mijo? Wake up where here" I heard Niall's voice 

I open my eyes to see the blue eyes I've been dreaming and I'm very sad that it's the last time I'm gonna see them this close. I got out of the van as I was about to enter the gate. 

"Mijo I like you a lot" I heard Niall I turned around to look back at him and gave hima sad smile 

"I like you too Niall" I waved a goodbye at him 

"Well this is goodbye Niall" I said as I felt my eyes became teary 

"I think so Mijo bye" he said back 

As I got inside the house and went to my room I closed the door and slide my back on the door I kept thinking I wish he was just never famous so I can freely love me as I kept thinking about the things why we can't be together. I haven't noticed I've been crying for almost an hour until I hear a knock on the door I stood up and wipe my tears away as I open the door I saw my dad and hugged him tightly crying on him. 

"He likes me Dad but-" I trailed off still crying 

"I know hun but it's just that you really can't be" he said rubbing at my back 

"But management doesn't want him to be happy" I said still crying on him 

"Remember that you asked me if I believed that stars tells you about your fate?" he asked 

"Yes" as I pulled away from him and we sat both on my bed 

"Well what did the stars looked like this night when the both of you hang out?" he asked 

"The stars were perfect they have brighten so much I haven't notice that in years they were more like candles in the sky" I said 

"Well don't you think that's a sign?" he said 

"A sign of what?" I asked 

"That the two of you were perfect but of course every star sometimes brights the most and sometimes not which means you just have to keep fighting to be the brightest he's the light you need to follow" He said patting at my back 

Dad's right if I want this to be real I have to be strong and keep fighting until I believe that I am already with the light I was following, the light that gives my dark world shine. And I knew that this time I need to stand up and set things straight I need to fight for this if I really like him then I will fight for this and if he really likes me then he will do anything so we can be together. As I lay on my bed dad walked out of the room to let me fall asleep as I stare at the ceiling memories earlier kept coming to me the stars were really shining through their brightest this night and the way Niall kissed me my heart goes 'BOOM CLAP" he makes me feel good he takes my breath away. 

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