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Niall's POV 

It's already been a year since he was gone and I'm still working hard for the restaurant. Harry stopped going to university and helped me on the restaurant he was the baker and it's new name was now "Mijo's" so that wherever I go he's with me and yeah when I mean wherever our restaurant expanded to each continent. Zayn was now the Dean of Bradford University and married Perrie, Louis and Eleanor didn't got married they fall out of love woth each other but Louis wants to focus on his job now living his dream being a drama teacher while Liam and Sophia got married and Liam started his own record label company. 

"Hey mate ready to go and see him?" Harry asked as he popped in my office 

"Yeah mate wait for a sec" I said fixing my things 

"Okay" he said as he closed the door 

I quickly grabbed the things I needed and went out of my office and went on the car Harry waiting. 

"Hey mate are the lads already there?" I asked 

"Yeah Louis' being grumpy on the phone" he said 

I laughed as we got inside the car and drove it's his death anniversary now and as always he wants the night and I wanted to celebrate it witht the stars knowing he can see me. We arrived at the cemetery we already saw some flowers from his Dad, Aunt, Val and Al. As some where from his fans yeah he got fans for knowing the boy died by loving me. As we talked about for what happened to them I laid beside his tomb and close my eyes. 

"Ni?" a familiar voice rang in my head 

I kept my eyes close knowing it's just my imagination. 

"Boo?" I said through my mind 

"Yeah it is me Ni I see your doing well Ni" he said 

"I miss you so much" I said throug my mind 

"Well I miss you too but I don't want you to cry okay? I'm fine up here I'm with my Mum and she wants to thank you for making may last days happy" he said 

"Is this for real that I can talk to you?" I said 

"Yeah Ni someone up here really loves me that they let me talked to you through telepathy" he said chuckling 

"I kept my promise Boo" I said 

"Yeah I see it I'm keeping my promise also Ni I'll be always guiding you" he said 

"I miss you so much" I said 

"Me too yah know?" he said 

"I wish I could be up there happily with you" I said 

"Now I don't want you to kill yourself okay? But you can wait till the time is right okay?" he said

"Okay" I said 

"Wherever you are is the place I belong" he said 

"Yeah you'll be always with me now Boo" I said 

"Okay have fun now and I'll wait for you here okay?" 

"Okay" I said 

I heard the lads laughing and sat up as I smile at them. 

"You know you never smiled like that after he leaved" Zayn said 

"Yeah I know but now I know he'll be up there waiting for me and guiding me down here living my life there's nothing to be worried now" I said happily 

We talked and talked until it was already morning the sun was just rising on the horizon. Oh how I wish he was here with me watching this wait! He is with me watching up there rrising the sun. 

I looked up "I promise that I'll live happily for you and I know you'll keep your promise Boo" I whispered 

"I know" I heard through my mind 

I close my eyes feeling the sun warming me as I felt two hands hugged me but when I opened my eyes no one was there holding me I guess he was now my sun that keeps me warm when I'm feeling lonely and cold and he was the star in my night cheering me when I'm sad at night. 

There is no shorter of fault to be amid in our stars. 


The Fault In Our Stars (Niall Horan) Where stories live. Discover now