Episode 1: How I Work And Why

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It all started in Qingqing City, China. News spread that there was a baby born that gave off light. Superpowers started popping up everywhere with no explanation and became the new normal. Dreams were no longer dreams, but reality! About 80% of the worlds population has some kind of special trait now. But it brought new problems as well as opportunities. Some people abuse their power and cause harm to society. With this the profession of superhero came into the limelight. People started performing acts out of comic books and eventually the position was accepted by the public and established as an official paying job. They earn their rent based off their performance and are paid by the government.

Most everyone wants to be a hero. Myself included! But my Quirk is so dangerous I know it would take a miracle.

Hi! My name is Kaiya Bakugo and my quirk is Absorption. 


"Hey Katsuki!" I yelled. "I need your help!"

"What is it this time!" My brother yelled, stomping into my room. "I still have school y'know!"

I snorted and turned toward his voice. "It's not like you actually enjoy going there, so take a moment and help out your poor blind sister!"

I jumped as I suddenly felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Kaiya it's been years! Haven't you punished yourself enough yet?" He sighed. "Picking out your clothes is getting annoying."

I frowned "Quit whining. I haven't asked you for help at all this week. Besides, I backed off a little. Remember?"

He scoffed as I heard him moving around my room. "Whatever." He plopped a pile of cloth in my arms and I heard his footsteps leave.

"Meanie..." I muttered, getting dressed.

I know what you're probably thinking, what could I have done? The answer to that is, a lot. I did a lot.

My quirk is Absorption meaning I'm kind of like a walking printer. For you to really understand what I'm about to say, you have to know a little bit more about Quirks.

Every Quirk gives off grey energy waves up to a certain distance. So basically everyone is walking around in a giant, grey, noodly cloud. I can see those energy waves, even through blindfolds. It's kind of helpful because I can see the silhouette of a person and where large objects are based on where the energy waves run into things and where they start. These energy waves normally can't go through walls or doors or anything solid in general, unless it's water.

My Quirk means that my skin temporarily absorbs the energy waves and gives me more Quirks. If someone's Quirk is, let's say, creating small clouds, when I'm around them, their energy waves will give me the same power. But when I leave the range of the waves, the effect will eventually wear off, depending on how long I spent around them. The real catch is that if I spend enough time repeatedly going around them, their quirk never goes away.

For example, my blood fathers' Quirk was Duo Persons. He had two brains, two separate people, in one body. I lived with him for 4 years so I also have a brain mate. You'll meet her later.

Normally, I have zero problems with that seeing as whenever I get the Quirk I immediately know how to use it safely. But I learned the hard way that if I have over ten Quirks in me via energy waves I find it hard to keep them in check.

When I was 6 years old, I was adopted by the Bakugo family and brought to the apartment complex we currently live in. I kept getting extreme headaches but I would always blow them off as me healing. One day, they took me to the mall to get me clothes and I snapped.

Someone with Giantification was there and I blew up in size and panicked, setting off so many Quirks I completely decimated the entire mall. I had to be taken down by a hero, and brought to the police station where I had to explain I couldn't control it. I was put in quarantine for four months while scientists did experiments with me to help me figure out how to control it and what my limit was. I left that place completely wrapped in bandages with a warning to never take them off until I felt ready and even then to go slow. I can change it for hygiene but that's it.

When I was released, I went and personally apologized to the 264 people I injured. 60 of those people were irreparably injured, 102 had to go through serious therapy, and 2 died of their injuries. The only good news is that the two who died were the villains that the hero's who brought me in were originally after (I still went to their funerals) and I was forgiven by everyone.

Well, everyone except myself. I've been self punishing myself for 9 years by bandaging over my eyes instead of my mouth. I don't get enough bandages to do both. I used to do something else but I stopped that 7 years ago when Katsuki caught me in the act.

I told you it's a lot.


I walked through the apartment on auto pilot, stuck in my thoughts.

"KAIYA!" My mum yelled.

"Jeez, what!" I yelled back.

"I've been calling for 5 minutes!" She sighed, obviously exasperated. "I asked you to take out the trash before our last lesson."

Yeah I'm homeschooled, you got a problem with that?!

I sighed. "Yeah sure."

I walked outside, trash bag in one hand and cane in the other, stuck in my thoughts again.

Ten months before Mom can't homeschool me any more. Ten months before I have to choose a high school. Ten months before the UA entrance exam.


uM. eRr. kAtSuKi!

He should be out of school now! He's probably walking home now. If I want to be done with my school work before he gets home I'd better hur-


A scream scared me out of my thoughts, piercing the afternoon air like a hot knife.

I turned back to look at the apartment, dropping the garbage and whispering "Mum." before sprinting for the building.


A/N: I know what you're probably thinking. "Seriously? A cliff hanger on the first chapter?" My response is "Uhh, yeah? Hook you in and shit?" Also that meme up there is g o l d.

I do base this on the subbed version so you may have gotten something a little different than me but oh well. Have a picture of baby Deku.

 Have a picture of baby Deku

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Love, Lovely.

Her Bandages: MHA/BNHA FanFic -DISCONTINUED-Where stories live. Discover now