Jake, Chris, and Caleb left Amie's house shortly after Jake and Eva came out of the closet. Each group wanted to question their friend. Duh. After that, who wouldn't want answers. They were pushed into a storage closet, music was turned up, and door was locked behind them
"What happened?" Maggie squealed after they left.
"You want to know the truth?" Eva asked.
"Yeah!" Maggie said.
"You sure?" Eva dragged out the sentence.
"Just tell us," Amie said.
"Are you absolutely positively sure?" Eva teased.
"Tell us," they said in harmony.
"That is BS," Maggie argued. "Obviously, something happened."
"Don't try anything," said Eva.
"Wasn't planning on it."
"So what?" Amie asked. "You guys just sat in silence the full 7 minutes."
"I mean," Eva said, "we talked."
"About what?" Maggie asked.
He. He. He.
"We assured each other we didn't like the other," Eva said.
"And he didn't lie?" Amie asked.
"No," Eva said.
"And you're sure?" Amie asked.
"Yes," Eva said.
"You're positive?" Amie interrogated.
Why are you so sure he lied?
"Yes, I am positive," Eva assured her.
"What else did you talk about?" Maggie asked.
"We talked about our families a little bit," Eva said. "Did you guys know he's got a sister?"
"I pay attention to stupid little things and ignore those that stare me in the face."
"Like what?"
"Like the fact that my parents and sister left and aren't just on vacation somewhere."
"Did you guys at least kiss?" Chris asked.
"Nope," Jake said.
"Why not. I mean, obviously you guys could lie about it later on. Wait, are you lying?" Caleb
Shut up, man.
"No," Jake assured them
"Then why did you not kiss her?" Chris asked.
Dude, just stop.
"She doesn't like me and I don't like her. It would have been weird," Jake said.
"How do you know she doesn't have a crush on you?" Chris asked.
"Because she told me who she does like," Jake said. "And they're dating."
"Don't try anything. I'm dating someone."
"Wasn't planning on it. Who?"
"What's his name?" Chris asked
He he he
"She didn't say his name, but it's someone she knows outside of school."
"How do you know she didn't lie?" Caleb pointed out.
*bigger facepalm*
"Trust me, she wouldn't lie about that."
"How do you know?" Caleb prodded.
"I just know, okay," Jake snapped. "Sorry. I'm going to bed."
From the air mattress, Jake heard Chris and Caleb turn off the light and settle into the bunk bed. His mind was still racing, though and he kept replaying their conversation over and over again in his mind.
"Don't try anything. I'm dating someone."
"Wasn't planning on it. Who?"
"You don't know them."
"It's fine if it's a girl."
"Why do you think it's a girl."
"Just the way you said it made it seem like you didn't want me to know their gender."
"And how would you have picked up on that?"
"I pay attention to stupid little things and ignore those that stare me in the face."
"Like what?"
"Like the fact we actually live in the same neighborhood. Like the fact that my parents and sister are actually dead and not just on vacation somewhere. Like the fact that I'm gay."
"We are literally in the fricking closet."
"Shit I said that aloud."
"Her name's Mary."

General Fiction[COMPLETED] The narrator doesn't care about the events of the story and decides to just be sarcastic about it. Trigger Warning: Mentions of self-harm, suicide, and abuse. You may want to skip Chapter Eleven and Fifteen. I summarize what happens at...