graces pov chapter 7

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"I...." I looked down from colby. Was I really about to tell about my past "Im a bad person Colby. I may look short sweet and innocent but in all of reality I'm not" I took a quick glance at him the looked back down. "Colby you remember the guy I mentioned at school, my ex... Well my ex is josh" he looked at me shocked "he's your what" "yes Colby me and Josh were a thing but not anymore" I looked at him I couldn't tell if he was sad or mad "Colby me and Josh had been childhood best friends we started to date abour 3 years ago" I grabbed colbys hand "why are you telling me this?" he asked "look when Josh and me started to date he got me into drugs, drugs that could kill me but I still ended up doing them with him. One day me and him did something together that scarred me and I never ever thought that I would such a thing in my life" Colby was starring at me and I saw a tear come out from underneath his eye "Colby he got me pregnant and when he found it out he came over to my house to comfort me, but when I fell asleep in his arms he stabbed me in the stomach deep, when I mean real deep Colby it almost killed me" I started to cry a little and he pulled me in for a tight hug "grace this was never your fault and your not a bad person. Your young and he basically brain washed you with drugs that son of a bitch." He tilting my head up and placed his forehead against mine. "What does Josh have to do with you phone though?" He asked "the pictures of the baby that was in my stomach" I mumbled to where he could hear me "he took the pictures I had that the doctors gave me and burnt them. But luckily hadnt took the pictures on my phone untill now andddddd..... That night when he stabbed me i was in the hospital and he came to visit and he-he... He tried to kill me because of the baby. And the drugs that I had in my phone with all the drug dealers that me and him used to see I told him to kill me that night" i looked at Colby and he looked at me "why didn't you delete everything grace why? And why did you tell him to kill you why grace why?" "Because... because I'm a recovering addict Colby I used to get thoughts from what happened that night and dreams and I would call them to bring me stuff but when I was off the stuff I had to confront to my best friend and my brother and we all agreed to take me to rehab to get clean and I did I made a call the other night to one of them. That black bag josh gave me was drugs Colby I told him one night on the phone that If he wanted to kill me do it in any way possible that's why he punched me that day in the school parking lot trying to make things seem playful so people wouldn't expect a thing. The reason why he took my phone is because of the conversations that we have on there about the black baggie full of drugs" he looked at me speach less then said some something "why grace why would you want him to kill you why?" "BECAUSE OF THE BABY COLBY HE KILLED A PART OF ME THAT WAS A LIVING BABY INSIDE OF ME COLBY THAT'S WHY" I realized I screamed "I'm sorry" I started to cry over and over again not talking a breath when Colby took me by the waist and pulled me even more closer to him to where we were hugging "Colby the reason why I asked you to come inside with me earlier was because if someone was with me I would have never done it and when you took me to the party I felt free like I had something more to myself, Colby " I looked up at him and he cut me off "grace I'm sorry that all this Happened to you I promise and I mean I promise I'll help you in any way I can" he kissed me gently agian and it made me feel better. There was someone clapping from behind us "well well well is that another thing I'm going to have to kill because you 'LOVE' it" I turned around shocked and scared but Colby pulled me close to him agian "What the fuck do you want josh leave her be" I heard Colby yell a little bit in my ear. I saw Sam and Kat walk outside from inside I shot them a look to stay out of this and they did "ok shut the fuck up bitch. So baby I see you found something even more to love agian" Josh said I couldn't hold my anger in me any more I bursted out off Colby's arm and screamed at josh "FOUND SOMETHING NEW TO LOVE AGIAN AYE, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN AGAIN YOU ALMOST KILLED ME ALL BECAUSE I WAS GOING TO HAVE A BABY. ALL BECAUSE I SAID I WAS GOING TO LOVE THE CHILD. YOUR A SICK MOTHER FUCKED DO YOU KNOW THAT. YOU WOULD LOVE TO KILL ME BECAUSNOF SOMETHING THAT YOU CAUSED. YOU!!" I let everything out finally and tried to walk back towards Colby but josh stopped me "you little bitch you-" when he grabbed me he pulled me in and choked me tightly to where I couldn't breath he ripped my shirt that showed my scar from where he stabbed me"YOU LET HER GO NOW" Colby screamed while running towards me and him. I managed to get out of his arms and I ran. I saw Sam go after josh too, Katrina grabbed me and hugged me. I fucked up big time.

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