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  He wasn't the type to stick out. Instead, he chose to stay hidden in the crowd. Away from anything too exciting. He didn't try to stand in the public. Why do that when you can stay in the comforts of your own bubble? A bubble where you could keep to yourself and your own thoughts rather than have them shared to the world.

  Iwaizumi assumed that there would be no one to pop his bubble. To earn his attention..

  He was wrong.

9:47 pm

Iwaizumi works at a small café. Every Monday to Friday, he goes to work from 9:00 in the morning to 9:30 at night, but it varies. The café is ran by a few people, including him. It's not the biggest or most noticeable place in the street, but that's what makes it special to the young adult. It's peaceful and quiet, but most importantly. It's home.

The man had planned to go to university after his last year of school, but found no purpose in going. There wasn't any careers that enticed or interested him, so he chose the work at this little venue he'd grown to cherish. He had been visiting it since he was in high school and had grown to love it. From the aroma of cinnamon that filled it's every corner to the fairy lights that were hung up around it, they were all perfect to Iwaizumi. Though there were not many who visited the café as it wasn't very popular. People would prefer hanging out at places where celebrities had stepped foot in.

  The radio played a familiar melody throughout the café as he wiped down each of the tables and booths. It accompanied with the now heavy rain tapping at the windows. It was almost like he was composing a piece of music. One which he was in control of as there was no one to interfere. Iwaizumi was the last one left and it was his job to close the café for the night. A couple of his colleagues had offered to stay and help, but he refused the offer. The quiet was welcoming and he'd want to keep it that way. 

  Iwaizumi sighed as he finished scrubbing the last booth. He didn't have to look up to know the rain had gotten worse. Just this morning it was sunny! What happened? Because the weather was so nice, he decided on walking rather than taking his bike. He got up at a rather early time as it was his day to open and close the café. (As mentioned before.) If only he has stopped to check the weather before instantly hurrying out of his apartment when he had all the time in the world. Not literally, of course.

  The man grabbed a bag from behind the counter to use as a makeshift umbrella. It failed to cover he entirety of his hair and made him look like a dumbass, but who in their right mind would be out this late and risk getting caught in the rain? There would be no one to see him.

outside, street

A car sped through a puddle right as it passed Iwaizumi. Because I wasn't drenched enough. It was the topping to the sundae of disappointment. The rain had only gotten worse, making it harder for him to see down the sidewalk. He would call someone from the café to come pick him up, but he knew they had lives too and respected their privacy.

Just when he thought things would get worse than it already was, something good finally happened. A flickering, dim light shone through the rain. A bus stop, my savior. The buses wouldn't be coming here at the time, but he could sit here and wait until the storm died down. He approached the bus stop, immediately sitting on the bench. The wet bench. He cringed at the feeling, but shook it off. He'd just dry off when he got home.

  Home. He was yearning to be home right now when he could collapse onto his bed, most likely in the clothes he wore to work. He was exhausted after all that walking, working, and worrying. Iwaizumi put his head in his hands, sighing to himself. He shut his eyes, getting lost in his thoughts. "I can't wait to be home."


"Me too."

  Iwaizumi's eyes snapped open. He was unaware if he should feel embarrassed, nervous, or cautious. All of them worked fine. He hadn't even noticed someone else on the bench.

  Why was someone else here?!

  It was raining and completely idiotic to be out so late at night. At least he had an excuse for being out so late at night. Iwaizumi wasn't one to engage in conversation with someone he didn't know. And it was best for him not to. What if they were a murderer? Though his curiosity was killing him. Maybe it was because he was loopy as he would never do this while being wide awake. Iwaizumi lifted his head, turning to face stranger with a confused expression.

The mysterious stranger's chestnut hair was also drenched. Almost every strand of hair was stuck to his forehead, except for a couple which stood out. Iwaizumi studied their appearance. Chestnut hair. Dark chocolate eyes. Ones that he easily stared into. They were mesmerizing. That's when it clicked.

He had seen this person before.


Iwaizumi heard faint laughter coming from the back of the café. The employees were having a break as there were no customers to assist. Nothing new. Matsukawa and Hanamaki were joking around, both sharing Matsukawa's phone. They seemed to be scrolling on some sort of social media website, though Iwaizumi couldn't indentify which one as he chose to avoid these types of things.

"What's going on you guys?" Iwaizumi knelt beside them, now also looking at the screen.

Hanamaki turned to him. "We're just looking at some photos. Care to join?"

Iwaizumi shrugged, joining in on their little break. Nothing seemed interesting to him. Just a bunch of girls who craved attention. They wore such revealing clothes. It grossed him out. This is exactly why he avoided using these sites. He was just about ready to get up and leave until someone caught his eye. A man? That seemed to be new. Iwaizumi pointed to he screen.

"Who's that?"

Matsukawa answered this time, facing his co-worker. "Oh, he's a model. An extra one too. Always getting attention from girls on the street. He actually lives in the area, but closer to the suburban areas."

Hanamaki snickered. "You seem to know a lot about him. What a fanboy. Anyways Iwaizumi, his name is.."

Oikawa. Tooru Oikawa. He knew he recognized his face, but he- he never expected him to be hell- here. What was he-


He had been staring this entire time.

Ahh, this is my first story, so apologies if there are any mistakes or anything I should be aware of. Thanks for reading!

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