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  "It's not like you're in trouble or anything. We're just curious as to why you were sleeping in his car.." Matsukawa gently placed a hand on his co-worker's shoulder, not wanting to upset him more than he was already.

But Iwaizumi didn't want to say anything. He didn't have to. The picture was probably self-explanatory to the two. Though that was what he assumed. In reality, they had no idea what was going on between the two. And frankly, they didn't care what was. Curiosity was eating at Hanamaki and Matsukawa, but they knew it was Iwaizumi's business and not theirs.

The trio stayed in the room in silence, glimpsing at each other every now and then. It was suffocating. Finally, the pink-haired barista broke the uncomfortable quiet.

"You've already arrived late to work today and you're extremely stressed." They knew him too well. "Go back to your apartment. We won't ask any further questions."

Iwaizumi finally spoke, but he made no effort to look up at his friends. He felt heat spread across his face to the tips of his ears, luckily the light which hung in the middle of the room was bound to die any day now and provided little to no light.

"No. I have to close up today I'll-"

"We weren't asking you." Matsukawa piped up, once again resting his hands on each of Iwaizumi's shoulders. He pushed him towards the exit of the back room. "Go home."

11:07 am

  All eyes were on him. Or at least that's what it felt like. He gained countless glances from strangers he'd never met. Strangers that would easily ignore him if it weren't for him posting that picture of him being exposed to the world. He didn't look bad in the photo, but he didn't look good either. He was drooling. Drooling! What would happen if Oikawa's entourage started to follow him around as well? He wanted to be home right now. Tucked into his bed. He never wanted to leave the safety of his uncomfortable bed ever again.

  Who knew one person could screw up his emotions so easily?

Speaking of...

11:07 am
oikawa's bedroom

"He was so rude, Tobio-chan! I didn't plan on posting that picture originally, but I decided that I should be able to get my revenge!"

  Oikawa sat on his cloud-like bed, clutching his poor plushie in his hands. He treated it like his baby. Though nobody knew about his obsession with space other than his close friends and that rude guy. The one who yelled at him. He even went out to buy muffins for the guy! He was exposed to everyone on the sidewalk. People who would get in his way just to win his attention.

  He took space very seriously. It was one thing he was passionate about. It was his escape from all the drama around the internet and his mere existence that somehow became so important to others. In reality, he was just a geek. A geek who believed in aliens and word glasses without the lenses in them. So when the café worker disrespected him, he wasn't going to have it.

"What are you even talking about? You just stared off into space and began speaking all of a sudden. Who is this guy you're mentioning?" Kageyama caught the volleyball in the air and sat up from where he lay on the ground of Oikawa's room. The floor was surprisingly comfortable as there was a white rug laying where he was.

"I'm talking about Iwa-cha—" He stopped himself. "Iwaizumi! I gave him all of these treats and he still was rude to me. What a jerk!"

Kageyama stared at the celebrity with an uncertain expression. "From what it sounds like, you kidnapped him. He had every right to be distressed." The younger male's phone buzzed several times. "I'm going to see Hinata now, Oikawa-san." He simply picked up his ball and left without saying another word. The man definitely needed time to rethink his actions.

1:36 pm
under iwaizumi's sheets (stop thinking what you're thinking)

  Iwaizumi gripped his pillow tightly in his arms. His nails dug into it. The only light illuminating his face being his phone which music escaped from. It was slow and calming. The music set the mood. Like music to most, it was an escape from the outside. The outside where he'd receive numerous looks from everyone who followed in Oikawa's tracks.

  "Stupid, Trashykawa!"

  The man snatched the blanket that originally hid him, throwing it onto the ground in a fit of rage. It was awfully childish for him to be acting in such a way, but who could blame him? His feet dangled off of his bed as he wondered what'd he do next. He'd have to go to work tomorrow of course. Maybe if he left the house earlier, he could go without a problem. Yeah!

  Iwaizumi leaped off of the bed, trudging to his bathroom-sized kitchen to grab a snack. Some gummy bears would do. There wasn't much to do at home. His friends were all working away while he sat in the comforts of his house, snacking on a bag of candy. He would have to take advantage of the day as the next he got a relaxing day like this, it would be a bit different than what'd he originally call a day off.

8:58 pm
oikawa's porch

  A clear night. A night where he could stargaze and enjoy himself. Just him and space. Along with a phone in his hands. The phone seemed to list Oikawa's contacts. Nothing strange about that. He scrolled through them, stopping at one under the 'S's' labeled:


Mmmm. I wonder how he got that number.

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