XV - end

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7:34 pm

  Oikawa ran his finger through the warm sand underneath him, drawing numerous lines that represented absolutely nothing. He smiled. Usually when he visited the beach on his own, he'd be attacked as soon as he sets foot in the sand, but this time was different. He knew better than to go to the beach in the afternoon on a Saturday. It was a stupid idea!

  "Hey Suga, grapes, and raisins are basically the same thing," Makki explained this to the man, resting his elbow in the man's shoulder.

  Sugawara stared into his wine glass for a solid ten seconds before looking up with a terrified expression. "Does that mean they kill the grapes to make the raisins?"

  Daichi facepalmed at the two's conversation. He took the glass from his partner resulting in a whine. "That's enough wine for you."

  Oikawa laughed to himself, placing his own glass down. This day was meant to celebrate. Not for an upcoming event or a birthday. Just to party. They all needed a break. The café's workers had gotten a day off in order to hang out at the beach. Daichi and Sugawara had planned the whole thing in advance, inviting the four of them to hang out. Though Oikawa knew that it was probably Daichi who planned it instead.

  Oikawa had an idea that he had been overthinking recently. He wanted to tell his lover about it as soon as possible. This would be the night too.

  A smack behind his head woke him out of his thoughts. "Dude, you okay? You were whispering to the sand just now."

  He facepalmed. "Gah, I'm sorry. I was thinking about something.."

  Mattsun smirked. "Is it.."

  "Can you don't, Mattsun."

  "Iwa-chan!" He mocked. Oikawa flopped him off in response.

  "Just go get your man. He's over by the rocks if you need him." Mattsun turned the man's head so he got a clear view of Iwaizumi. Did I mention with force? A startling cracking sound came from his neck.

  "Ow!" His voice squeaked resulting in an over the top laugh from Makki. "Whatever, he's better than all of you."

  Oikawa walked away from the group. Leaving them to place bets about what will happen between the two. The sun began to set as the time approached eight o'clock. The sky was clear with barely any clouds, so they were bound to be stars out tonight. How perfect. The sand warmed up his bare feet. He started his best to avoid any rocks that would harm. Maybe he should've taken his sandals with him to the rocks.

  Oikawa looked up once he saw several pebbles scattered around on the ground signifying that he had reached his destination. And there he sat in glory, staring into the horizon as the sunset. A small speaker sat next to him playing a song he recognized from the café. This dude really liked his workplace, huh? He wanted to capture this moment for himself. Taking out his phone and unlocking it, he opened his camera app and took a picture.

  Oikawa smiled at his work, lowering the phone. Iwaizumi was staring at him with a confused expression rather than that angered one he wore when he first took a picture of him without his consent. Without his consent. He wished to post the picture that he'd taken. The one that captured the male's beauty on a screen, even if he looked better in person. Oikawa, keeping the phone on, climbed up the rocks to sit criss-cross next to Iwaizumi.

  "Taking pictures of me without my consent again, huh?" He spoke quietly, but the assertive in his voice caused Oikawa to shiver.

  "I came up here to ask you if you were okay with me posting it." The other said nothing. "I'm sorry if you don't want me to! I just think the picture is nice," weight was lifted from his hand, "-and I at least want to keep it without post-"


  Iwaizumi now held Oikawa's phone in his own hand, staring at the screen with a grin on his face. "Hm, I think this picture is better. Maybe I'll just.. posted!"

  "Iwa-chan! Why would you do that?" He snatched the phone back from him, watching as the hearts on the photo sky-rocketed in no time. "I couldn't even pose!"

  "Now you know how I feel." Oikawa sighed, turning off his phone. The silence between them grew once again. The only sounds being the light music from the speaker and the obnoxious laughter that came from their friends.

  "I know you didn't come here just for some picture." Damnit.

  "I want to quit modeling."

  "Hm, what's this? What happened?"

"I feel like I won't be able to give you the attention I want to if I'm busy with photoshoots and annoying fangirls. Whenever we hang out like this, it's fun! The thing is, I rarely can."

"Go on..."

"What I'm trying to say is, I want to spend more time with you, but I like modeling. It's my calling! I'm pretty and I can pose. What's not to love?"

"You just had to brag." Iwaizumi's voice turned gentle. "I understand you want to spend time with me. Don't get me wrong, I love you too, okay? But I want you to be happy with your career and future. No matter where it takes you. And hey, I could always... move in with you? Not now of course. Maybe when our relationship is more developed."

Iwaizumi looked up to see Oikawa with tears streaming down his face. "Yeah, I'd like that." Arms snaked around his waist, pulling him closer to his partner.

"I like you too."

  Meanwhile, with the others...

  Makki jumped up from the towel that used to be laid carefully on the sand. "Hah, you see that?! Mattsun you owe me 2,000 yen."


if you're reading this, i appreciate you for making it to the end of this. honestly, i came up with the idea to write this book on the toilet. there was an earlier version of it which i deleted as it sucked, but i chose to rewrite it. no regrets.

this whole writing books thing is fun, so why not continue, right?


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