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6:47 pm
???'s door

Oikawa's fist hovered next to the white-wooden door in front of him. His knees still shook from what happened before in his house. It was him against three different people. He couldn't do anything to fix the situation as he'd just get shut down by his friends. So why not visit his own? He could guarantee they'd be there for him. But if a question is was asked to him, such as 'are you okay,' he'd probably break right there on their front doorstep.

  Oikawa prepared to knock against the wooden door. But, he froze, preventing his fist from moving any further. What if they're busy? He should just call up Kunimi to pick him up. He turned on his heels and began walking away from the door. Just as he was, the sound of a lock being undone and a creak stopped him in his tracks.

  "Um, Oikawa?"

  Oikawa sucked in a deep breath before turning to face the voice. "Daichi-san! I was um, wondering if Sugawara was home."

The shorter man simply nodded and proceeded to call for his partner. Sugawara appeared behind him not long after he was called. He wore a gray sweater that had the collar abnormally stretched. It hung off of his shoulder, revealing several red marks along his collarbone. It stuck out due to his pale skin. Maybe he was interrupting something. He knew he should've left.

  "What- Oikawa! What happened?" Great. Oikawa's face shriveled up as if he was going to start balling right there. He knew the topic would be brought up, but not so suddenly. Sugawara, noticing this pulled him into the house causing Oikawa to bump in Daichi nearly knocking him off of his feet.

  "Here, take off your shoes and go sit on the couch. I'll go make us some tea." He moved swiftly throughout the house, not skipping a beat. "Sawamura-san, could you stay in our room please? We're having girl talk in here."

   Daichi hummed in agreement being retreating to their room. Oikawa just watched in awe. He knew the man for a while. He was known for his mom-like behavior and commanding behavior. Even with those traits, he still radiated major bottom energy. Oikawa tried his best not to snicker upon thinking of it.

  "Make yourself comfortable, Oikawa. You have to tell me all about what caused the sudden appearance."

  He flinched. He would rather not think about it.

6:51 pm
sugamama's living room

A warm cup was placed in his hands with great care. Steam riser from the cup creating an aroma that caused a calming sensation in Oikawa. He didn't it. He had been overthinking the past situation this entire time and it was making his head hurt. It was a fairly long drive to Sugawara's household, but worth it for the tea.

He stated into his reflection in the cup. The corners of his eyes were slightly red and his chestnut hair that usual stuck up was now laid messily against his head. Sweat dotted along his forehead and neck. Summer was approaching and it was clearly due to the rising temperatures. That also meant more photo shoots, but he would've loved to spend summer with him. If he hadn't ruined his chances. His grip became stronger on the cup.

  Soft hands were placed around his, causing his grip to loosen. His knuckles slowly regained their color. Sugawara removed his hands and moved to sit next to him. He picked up his cup of tea, taking a long sip of it. He placed it down before turning to Oikawa.


  Oikawa did as he was told. He took a long sip of the green-colored substance. Warmth filled his body in no time. He immediately pressed the cup against his lips, going back for seconds. Matcha tea. The sweetness of the drink played a major role in cheering him up. Though this was only the first stage of recovery. Light chuckling came from Sugawara.

"I knew you'd like the tea! My tea makes everyone happy. I'm just that amazing." Oikawa rolled his eyes in annoyance. "But. I'd like to know why you came."

He stayed silent.

"You obviously wanted to tell me something, right? You always text prior to visiting so this must be something really big-"

"I accidentally rejected Iwaizumi."

Sugawara choked. "Accidentally? What the shit?"


"Don't try and change the topic on me! I wanna know!" Sugawara crossed his arms to match his whining.

  "Look, I didn't mean to do it. It just slipped out okay."

  "Wha- What slipped out?! I swear you're worse at explaining things than Daichi." An 'I heard that!,' came from the other side of the wall.

  Oikawa inhaled sharply. "IwaizumikindaconfessedtomebutitwasallofasuddenandIdidn'tknowwhattosaysomebeingstupidcalledhimnyfanandhereturnedthehoodiethentheykickedmeout." He was panting by the time he had finished. "Whew, feels good to get that off my chest. Hey, Sugawara-san, where are you going?"

  "To get my phone."

  "Why...?" He bit his lip in suspense. What if he was going to call Iwaizumi? He couldn't talk to him now! It was too soon.

  "I'm trying to find someone who gives a fuck. Makki."

  At this point he had jumped off of the couch. "Wait don't call him! He doesn't need to know anything I told you. How did you even understand me."

  "Mom-powers. Now sit your ass down. It's disrespectful to interrupt someone while they're in a call."

  "Fine." He huffed and day back down, mocking Sugawara's previous actions.

  He was, glad? Having someone else do what he was too afraid to do made this way easier on his part. Oikawa didn't plan on having SUGA partake in the drama, but what was he supposed to do? If he left it for him to solve, he would never repair the bond they once had. It wasn't that he was stubborn, he was just terrified of what could happen if he poured his own feelings out. Rumors spread, y'know?

  There would obviously be fans who would turn on him if he liked something they didn't. The drama would most definitely affect his modeling career. But, he didn't do anything, he'd go back to how he was before. Back to when his life was solely based on his career. No. He couldn't stand by and let someone else fix his mistakes.

  Oikawa needed to be independent, but he didn't know-how. There was a 99.9% chance that he'd say something idiotic once again that's ruin their relationship even further. He had to figure out something while the possibility of them being friends once again was still there.

  "No, you can't tell Iwaizumi. Yes, maybe Mattsun. No he's not having an affair- look, bye Makki!" Sugawara hung up the call, he shook his head.

  "So?" Sugawara walked back over picking up his cup of tea.

  "I told Makki exactly what you told me. Apparently they had heard Iwaizumi's side of the story, so hearing yours was a shock to them. Just sit back and relax. We'll handle this for you."

  Oikawa contemplated on disagreeing with that last part, but he quickly made up his mind. "I want to be able to solve this myself though. It's my problem, you guys shouldn't have to pick up my shit."

  The silver-haired man smiled, dimples showing. "I knew you'd say that. But if you try and solve everything yourself something is bound to go wrong."

  Oikawa wanted to act angry, but he was extremely grateful for what he had done for him. "Thank you, Suga-san."

  "I'm just doing my job."

  "Hey, why do you have hick-"

"That's none of your business!"


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