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  A lot has changed for Oikawa.

  That night was the opening to a new beginning.

  They never got the chance to share much about themselves due to Oikawa's pouty attitude, but it was as if a rope was tied to each of them which bonded them together. The rope was made of the things they had in common. Which was almost nothing. Though the different interests and lifestyles the two had was what sparked a conversation between them.

  That night was too short. He wanted to spend more time with Iwaizumi. Something about how he hadn't given him dirty looks for being near people who were close to him or use him for attention changed his point of view. Of almost everything really. He wasn't too compliant with fans anymore or excited when it came to encountering someone who admired him. Yep. He was changing. But his star gazing habit or space obsession hadn't changed one bit.

  That night where he met up with him, he has asked Kunimi in advance to come early for two reasons. One, so when he left he wasn't attacked. And two, in case he said anything he'd regret. Yeah, that plan worked and backfired at the same time. Because by the end of the day, his mind was foggy. Images of him and Iwaizumi occupied his thoughts. Though, mostly the other male.

  Even when they dropped him off, he ranted to Kunimi about him. Which resulted in him having to walk the remaining five meters of the drive. Which was incredibly long for him.

  The text.

  He sent it so Iwaizumi knew that his childish behavior was like a hobby for him. An annoying one at that. He sent it so he knew that this wasn't the only time they'd meet up. Oikawa hoped it wouldn't be that way. He was tired of that charade. The one where he'd show someone the café, they'd come once, and never show up again. Then they would post things they claim he said or did.

  How irritating.

  He stopped showing them the café for a while. If they were going to abuse the right of knowing him, why give it to them at all? He informed Sugawara that he wouldn't be doing it anymore and that he could now spend more time with his partner. Yeah, that didn't last very long did it now? It was completely illogical of him to take a stranger into his home without their permission. Wasn't that considered kidnapping?

  Iwaizumi didn't seem to mind. At least not that much. He was still shoved aside by him once he woke up. He even yelled at him. But what was to be expected if he broke someone he just met into his house.

  He had no regrets.

  Surely a normal person would've called the cops then and there. Either Iwaizumi wasn't normal, which surely he wasn't, or Oikawa's charm paid off.

  Was he just another fan?

  Of course he is.

  Or at least that's what he thought. No person in their right mind would allow themselves to be taken without consent. Maybe this was all a fantasy. A fantasy where he had never become a model and was living normally. It seemed a good idea at the time. The popularity he received from it was unbelievable. Oikawa was living the dream. But now? Doesn't seem too grand.

  It's just a phase, it'll go away.

  Oikawa hadn't seen stupidity at its peak until now.

  That night where their bond grew stronger, or their rope tightened, was when they started getting to know each other better. The majority of it was texting, but their café visits became a regular thing for the two. It was natural. So natural that one could text the other asking, 'when are we going?' and the other would always provide a time most convenient.

  Oikawa became used to Iwaizumi's rather boring schedule. Work was what occupies his schedule the most. That and hanging out with tweedle dee and tweedle dum.

  It wasn't long until he first interacted with Makki and Mattsun, as Iwaizumi called them. He got into the habit of addressing them as that as well. It took some convincing as the two seemed skeptical about their sudden friendship. He often overheard the whispers which consisted of several:

'I don't trust this.'

'Are you being catfished?'

'This isn't the real one. The real one doesn't have an unhealthy obsession with aliens.'

He might've interrupted their private conversations a couple times to protest against his interests. There were his own anyways. No one could stop him from liking them. And by a couple of times he meant every time. He was pretty dramatic when it came to his obsessions. Another day in the life of Oikawa...

  The meetings.

  Whenever Oikawa had a free day, sometimes the four of them would hang out all together. Most of the time as Iwaizumi's apartment since all of them knew he address to his place. And when they tried visiting Oikawa, the iconic duo, known as Makki and Mattsun, were creeped out by his alien themed room. But they were able to find the lenses to his glasses, so it's a win-win.

  During the meetups, Oikawa chose to stay near Iwaizumi becuase they had had a stronger bond than him and the other two. At least he got friends out of it. Rather than fans.

   He stayed near him.

  At all times.


  What was he doing?

12:31 am
oikawa's porch

  Oikawa gripped the railings of his porch, tears threatened to break free from his eyes. They bedazzled the corners of them, glistening because of the Moon and stars. His hands became numb due to the cold. He seemed warmth. Warmth from him.

  "It's been six months, Iwa-chan." The words left his mouth without him knowing. "When is that rope going to snap? When will you. When will I understand that.."

  He breathed in sharply. Tears now streaming down his face.

  "When will I be able to understand that I can't give you the attention I want to give when all the attention is on me?"

it only gets spicy from here

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