Part 1: Introductions

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Peridot Pov:

The clock hand finally ticked forward, quickly followed by the ring of the bell, everyone in the class, me included, getting up and hastily leaving. I walked into the cafeteria sitting myself down at a table, readjusting my glasses in the process. I found myself zoning out slightly before being abruptly snapped out of it by a hand smacking down on the table in front of me,

"Sup runt" an awfully familiar rough voice, looking up, yup, it's Jasper, with that smug, shit-eating grin of his,

"Oh, hey Jasper" he keeps his grin as he leans closer, his eyes narrowing slightly as he does,

"So, waddya say you come with us and we have ourselves a little fun, eh peri?" he says as he gestures using his thumb to the group behind him. I sigh lightly as I rub the back of my hand,

"Not today Jasper, I can't afford to skip any classes today, I've got some important tests coming up and I've already missed too many lessons this semester" he scoffs slightly as he stands up straight, nodding to his group as he starts to walk away, glancing back to me briefly for a moment, "alright, catch ya some other time then pipsqueak".

I've been hanging out with Jasper less and less really, I guess i just got tired of him always teasing and being a dick to everyone, though as a result that does of course mean I've found myself being alone quite often. I mean, I guess I don't mind it that much, after all I spend most of my free time in my room anyways. Though i guess i'm never really lonely, considering how busy it can get at home sometimes.

Like I do most days now I sat and ate my lunch alone, just sitting at my table until the bell rang, heading off to my afternoon classes, most of which went by as normal, that is until my last class of the day that had quite the unexpected event.

I walked into biology as usual and sat down with everyone else waiting for the class. After a short bit the teacher walked in accompanied by a girl that seemed somehow familiar, she walked up in front of the class clearing her throat,

"Attention everyone, we will be having a new student joining us from today on-wards" she gestured to the girl standing next to her, she was a little shorter than the teacher, with dark blue hair partially covering her eyes , the teacher continued,

"now some of you may remember her from your freshman year, as she used to be a student here before she moved away, now why don't you introduce yourself to those who don't know you?" she says as she turns to the girl. She looks up slowly, brushing her hair out of her eyes, as she does. I can't help but be captivated by the beautiful shade of ocean blue they are, she speaks up in a quiet voice,

"Uh... hey, i'm Lapis, though everyone at my last school just called me Lazuli... nice to meet you all I guess".

As she goes to sit down I can't help but feel I recognise her name from somewhere, while the teacher starts to set up the lesson I glance over at her, trying to figure out why her name is familiar. After a few seconds it hit me, oh stars, she was the girl that Jasper used to date back in freshman year. Then the memories start coming back, after a while of being together their relationship went downhill, ending with her breaking up with Jasper. Of course, being him, he didn't like this and so he started getting all of us to taunt and harass her. Looking back on it now I regret doing those things, I just wish I could have the courage to have stood up to Jasper.

Throughout the whole lesson I couldn't help but stare at her and think about the terrible things i'd done to her, I wish I could just go up to her and apologise, but who knows if she even remembers me, and even if she does she might not forgive me for what I did. These kinds of thoughts kept swirling around my head the whole time, causing me to not be able to pay attention to the lesson, sneaking a set of notes from the teacher's desk.

Though strangely, towards the end of the lesson thoughts would pop into my head about how nice her hair is, or how beautiful her eyes looked and how soft her voice sounded, I get snapped out of these thoughts as the bell rings and everyone packs up and leaves. I can't help but stare as I watch Lapis leave, admiring her blue hair as it bobs gently while she walks.

I pack up my things and head out the classroom and leave the building. On my walk home all I can think about is Lapis for some reason, even if I try to think about something else it always just goes back to her, my thoughts centre on her until I arrive back at my place, walking up the steps and putting my keys into the door.

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