The Untamed|Chapter 1

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_Five Years Ago, At Gusu_

"Wei Wuxian is a Monster!" A guy from Gusu Lan Sect said.

"You're Right! He almost bring Hanguang-Jun to death!" Another guy said.

"Yeah, You know that Zewu-Jun was so mad at Wei Wuxian" a girl spoked.

"Hm, i know. Hah! It's good to know that he is kicked out in Gusu." From Jin clan said.



"Childe Wei...i know i shoud not dare doing this BUT YOU ALMOST BRING MY BROTHER TO DEATH!" Lan Xichen burst with anger.

While Wei Wuxian stood in the front as he was helding back his tears.

"You! We let you live here in Gusu but this is what you payed back?! You shoudn't be here Wei Wuxian." The Old Master Of Lan Clan paused.

"All you bring is dissaster nothing more! YOU EVIL!" Old Master Lan continued with a shout and also angry.

Wei Ying didn't know what to do, he looked at the other side of Zewu-Jun where his Lan Zhan stood. Also angry, upset, sad and a mix of emotion.

Sizhui and Jingyi felt pitty of Their senior. Both of them wanna help him but they know if they did that...they will be punished.

Sizhui's tears falls down on his cheek. While Jingyi who noticed it, only patted him gently on the back while comforting him.

"Your really! You should leave..." Lan Xichen said, even tho he felt a little guilty for doing it. But he needed to...

Wei Wuxian didn't respond and only nodded his head and left. But before leaving, he stopped and said-

"Wait for the time that you wouldn't even know me." He said with a cold tone.

"Don't forget, People can change. All people in the world can, and that also me." He added and walked away.

After he left, leaving the others shock at his words, even Lan Wangji.

And as Wei Ying was walking out of the Gusu, others throw him a glared. With fire in their eyes. Yet, he knows it but only shrugged it off.

He then reached the gate and heads out, leaving to go to the forest or he doesn't even care where the world would bring him.

~End Of Flashback~

No One's Pov:

"A-Xian.." a soft and gentle voice said.

"A-Xian..?" The voice then becomes a little worried.

Wei Ying was dozing out from the flashback then tears falls down on his cheeked unnoticedly by him.

But after hearing the voice, he snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at the worried yet gentle and soothing soft voice.

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