The Untamed|Chapter 2

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Wei Wu Xian's Pov:

As me and shūshu Xiao Xingchen get out of the tavern were staying at. We head out and head straight to the private eating room. Where are the two siblings and our co-group members was.

Firstly, Shūshu knock on the door. Or what so ever.

Then, the door opened up. We both head inside as the other person closed the door back and heads to sit down.

"W-wei Gong-zi..." I smiled hearing the stuttering and shy soft voice.

"Wen Ning.." i said softly looking at him.

He was about to gave me a respectful vow but i stopped him.

Chuckles "Wen Ning, no need for that." I said and he just nodded. And looked to Shūshu vowing a little.

Shūsu smiled warmly at him.

"Haha, no need for that too Wen Ning.." he spoked in a Soft and gentle voice.

As always. I thought then a smile form on my lips.

Not a moment before, the door was opened without even knocking. Revealing....Xue Yang and Song Lan who has some scratches and a little bruise on their faces.

While giving eachother some death glares and gritting their teeths.

"Ahh, this two. You guys sit down now. And take off your mask & cloaks." Shūshu said

And the other two obeyed hesitantly, but not forgetting to close and lock the door.

As the both of them sits down, we all take off our masks and cloak putting it on the side. Then our pendants that was on our cloak magicly dissapear then appeared in our clothes/robes,

On the front.

I then used a barrier to cover as up in the private room, and no one can hear us talking nor peek.

We all let out our spiritual power since we hadn't let it out for a long time because some cultivators nor non-cultivators can sense and feel our strong presence or strong and powerfull spiritual power.

As for me...well, i am the most hideous one. The fuve of them always protect me. And on time when some matters happen

Well, i just wanna say...

"Don't even DARE Harming any of them, If you still want to LIVE for a long and a better LIFE." -Wei Wu Xian.

(A/N; umm, i know pendant is not like this

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(A/N; umm, i know pendant is not like this...but this is umm, the pendant like in what i meant in the story..sorry..i'm not good in drawing but i tried so hard, so hoped you liked it😅😅😊)

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