The Untamed|Chapter 13

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~The Next Day~
_At The Trainning Grounds Of Gusu Lan Sect_


Wei Ying set a barrier that no one, seriously no one could ever see nor peek at them, even heared.

It was a normal barried for Wei Ying but for the others, it's not. It's a strong one.

Wei Ying then took off of his dark black cloak hooded, and his mask putting it aside.

The others saw the pendant that, that was on the cloak but dissappeared then appeared infront of Wei Ying's clothes.

The other also saw Wei Ying's body figure.

"I know my waist, body, face, hair everyhing looks feminine, it's because of something that you would know sooner when the full moon starts. Since you guys needs to know as fot being my disciples, but a real and true important disciple..and That pendant is not a normal one, it's a strong and important pendant just like your headbands." Wei Ying spoke putting his right hand on his waist.

His shàonián was shocked then soon nodded their heads eagerly.

"But...Wei Zīshēn, what do you mean by 'Just like your headbands'?" Jingyi spoked.

"Ah that..isn't, your headband should not be touched?" Wei Ying said and the other four was shocked, Wei Ying at first didn't know what they're headbands means and why it should not be touched by someone else.

And as he remembered, he's cheek slightly turned pink remembering as his Lan Zhan would always put his headbands on Wei Ying's hands when he's drunk or not. And Wei Ying also thought that the first time he hold and pulled Lan Wangji's headband made Wangji so mad and even always shot a glared at him.

At the time he knows the meaning behind the Lan clan's headband, he almost kill himself.


"Y-yeah, it is." Said Sizhui.

"Haha, i know it only can be touched if this person is your blood related like your Sister, Brother, uncle, auntie, mother, father, husband, or wife." Said Wei Ying pointing out his fingers up and smiling.

The four was more than shocked but just nodded their head then..

"But last time, Hanguang-Jun tied you in you're hands using his headband.." Sizhui said making the others looked at me suspiciously and i almost choked at my own saliva.

"I...uhmm...ermm.., let's start!" I clapped my hands getting away from the topic.

Luckily they obligaid.

"Firstly, I will teach each of you on a basic fight. Then if you four passed, the next fight will be not basic as you think it is. Then after that, each of you will fight each other. Who ever wins at the group of two will fight to the other one who also wins on the other group of two. Then as the two winners fight, then the other loses and the other wins. The one who wins is the one who will face me. If he wins against me at the easy level. He'll be the Leader. Then the second winner or the one who loses at the first winner whom fight with me first will be the one to faught with me next, the two who was left out will fight each other. Whoever wins like what i said earlier will also faught with me then the last one would also fight me, the second winner will be the captain, the third is the chief the last but the fourth strongest will be the lieutenant. Now, Do you understand?!" Wei Ying explained and slightly shouted at the end.

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