The Untamed|Chapter 4

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Lan Xichen was also speechless, but spoked up.

"Sigh...i may say this but i know, that i need your oppinions and agreements"

"I...agree" Huiasang said, but as the others turned their heads towards him. He directly hide his face using his fan.

At the respond, Xichen smiled fondly.

"I also agree." Jiang Cheng confidently said. Let's say...he also misses Wei Wuxian, and love messing around with him.

Xichen was also happy hearing that Jiang Cheng agree,

Cute. Lan Xichen thought, but then realizes what he just thought off and shooked it off.

"Hmm, well...fine. i agree" Jin Guangshan said but has some annoyance in his tone.

"If that's the case then, i agree" Guangyao smiled innocently.

Su She was shocked at Guangyao's statement, but just get on with it.

The others slowly agree but some hesitant too.

Lan Xichen was more happy that he made the others agree and to meet Wei Wuxian once again.

Xichen looked at Lan Qiren, his and Wangji's Shūshu.

Lan Qiren in hands was thinking twice wether he would say yes or no, or maybe.

But in the end he sighed in deafeat.

"Fine, i agree" Qiren said and Xichen smiled warmly.

"But make sure he doesn't do anything dangerous, and don't make him near Wangji" Lan Qiren Added.

Xichen was somehow dissappointed but just nod and said "I will."

He looked next to Wangji, his Dìdì. He smiled at him.

Wangji only stared at his Gēgē then soon nodded in agreement.

"Well then, it's all settle. I'll go and send a message. That he will come tomorrow since we will start tomorrow." Xichen stopped. And smiled at the others infront of him.

"Then we will have a discussion in here too. Rest assured" Lan Xichen continued then vowed at respect at them. Then left.


"Childe Jin, please calm down" Sizhui assured while rubbing Jin Ling's back gently.

"HOW?! They always a-accuse shūshu like that! Even made up a fake story just to make other people hate shūshu more!" Jin Ling starts to cry.

The three looked at eachother then looked back at Jin Ling who was crying.

Sizhui sat down beside him and hugged him for comfort.

"Shhh, Childe Jin...let them believe what they wanted to believe, and us believe on what we know...if we can't force them to not say such things at Wei Gāojí's back..they also cannot force us to stop believing that Wei Gāojí is innocent not an evil person." Sizhui started off.

Jin Ling sniffs

"Yeah, that's right. Wei Gāojí or should i say you're Shūshu, is a good person. Like you said..he doesn't hurt the innocent ones." Jingyi said patting Jin Ling's Back.

Zizhen was fast to nod. He always idolize Wei Ying. Even tho his Fùqīn dissapporoved it. He didn't care.

"Yeah, yeah! No matter what Fùqīn will say or dissapporve at me for liking and idolizing Wei Gāojí i will still believe at him! He was just...ahh~ he's so amazing and awesome!" Zizhen said making Jin Ling cracked then laughed.

"Yeah that'a right, when i see Wei Gāojí tomorrow since tomorrow will start the training and discussion...i will ask him for a fried chicken!" Jingyi said eyes shinning remembering the chicken he last ate with Sizhui.

"Chicken Lover." Sizhui obviously said then they all bursted in laughter.


Lan Xichen then opened his hands, and then a thing appeared. It was a message for Wei Wuxian. It glows color blue. Then Xichen let the message flow and sends it to where in the world Wei Ying is.

He then put his hands on the back, then smiled. But remembering what his Shūshu have said made his smile dissappear.

How am i gonna make Wei Ying and Wangji get back on being friends..or more than that, if i cannot let them go near eachother.. Xichen Thought and only sighted.

"Gēgē" a voice was heared from Xichen's back. He turned around only to see his Dìdì, Wangji..

"Ah, Wangji. What brings you here?" Lan Xichen ask his Dìdì while walking towards him.

"I wanna ask you a question." Wangji said without any emotion showing but Xichen knows that Wangji was curious and confused.

"What is it?"

"Why did you suddenly ask us and the others to invite Wei Yin- Wei Wuxian to teach the others?" Wangji asked.

Xichen chuckled at his confused brother. "It's nothing important." He smiled.

Wangji was taken back. "But-.."

"Wangji, go to bed already. We still need to discuss things with the others and so Childe Wei tomorrow" Lan Xichen cutted him off and only smiled.

Lan Zhan only sighted on the inside, then vow at his brother before leaving his room.

"Wangji...if you only knew.." Xichen whispered.

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