The Untamed|Chapter 5

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Wei Ying was at his room playing his flute.

But stopped as he got sent a message..

From Gusu Lan Sect? He asked himself.

He then opened his hands, accepting the message.

'Childe Wei, i am and the others agreed on inviting you on teaching the young cultivators/masters and discussion for tomorrow. We will wait for your appearance. Sincerly asking, Lan Xichen Of Gusu Lan Sect.'

The glowing blue message that was sent for Wei Ying dissappear as Wei Ying closed his hands and putting it down.

He was thinking so deep, wether if he would go or not.

The memories of the past start to hunt him again.

But on the right time, Xiao Xingchen saw it all then goes in since Wei Ying's door was already opened.

He came in and closed the door.

Wei Ying noticed him, then look up..

"Shūshu..."he said..

Xiao Xingchen sat down beside him and put his hands on Wei Ying's waist and Wei Ying layed his head on Xiao Xingchen's shoulder.

"What did the Gusu Lan Sect said?" Xingchen asked making Wei Ying shocked but just force smiled.

"They invite me to come over at gusu for teaching or more lowkey training the young cultivators/masters." Wei Ying said.

"So...what's your decision? Are you gonna come over A-Xian?" Xiao Xingchen asked sadly.

Wei Ying smiled sweetly at his shūshu who was sad if he is going to go.

"I...don't know yet shūshu, what do you think?" Wei Ying looked at Xingchen.

"It's on you, not on me A-Xian.." Xiao Xingchen hugged him and booped their nose.

"But i am going to be sad on being left alone by that two idiots" Xiao Xingchen responded

Wei Ying Laughed his ass off.

"Oh well, you know. Both of them are trying to win your heart" Wei Ying said then winked at his Shūshu making him blush.

"Yah!" His shūshū pouted then goes to kiss Wei Ying's cheek.

They just love to treat him like their baby or baby brother. Him, Xue Yang, Song Lan and Wen Qing. Wen Qing and Wei Ying also treat Wen Ning as her baby and his Dìdì.

"......i think i've decided it." Wei Wuxian said. Making Xingchen looked at him seriously and worriedly.

"Are you sure? Maybe you will miss my hugs, my comfort, my foods, my kisses, my voice me. Your shūshu" Xiao Xingchen start saying and asking things dramatically

While Wei Ying just rolled his eyes and softly slap Xingchen's right arm.

"Shūshu! Your being dramatic!" Wei Ying pouted and soon giggles.

"I'm just worried at my little babyyyyyyyyy~" Xiao Xinchen soon then gave him a bear hug.

Wei Ying smiled and happy having an shūshu like Xiao Xingchen.

"Shūshu! Sleep and Cuddle with me~" Wei Ying said in a cute and baby voice.

"Okayyyyy~" Xingchen and Wei Ying soon layed at Wei Ying's bed. Then cuddled with eachother with a warm smile on their faces.


~To Be Continued~

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