The Untamed|Chapter 6

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~The Next Day~
_At Wei Ying & The Others_

Xue Yang Pouted Angrily.

"Why! Just Whyyyy~?! Why do you need to go there, don't you get your ass bored on that hell hole and being with those scumbugs?" Xue Yang said.


Song Lan smacked Xue Yang's head making him glared at Song Lan.

Wei Ying just shake his head in disbelief at this two. Then looked at Xiao Xingchen who was worried and sad.

He goes and hugged Xingchen, and Xingchen hugged back tightly and squeezing gently.

"Are you really leaving?" Xiao Xingchen asked once again.

"Shì, don't worry. I will be alright..i promise" Wei Ying smiled showing his teeth, the others find it cute.

"W-wei Gong-zi....a-do you want me t-to come?..." Wen Ning spoked worriedly and softly.

Wei Ying looked at him and shooked his head, and pats Wen Ning while still hugging his shūshu.

"It's fine Wen Ning, just help the others and more Your sister okay?" Wei Ying paused,

"I will be alright, trust me" Wei Ying continued and smiled widely.

"You better becareful or else.." Wen Qing said then took out a Sleeping and Shining Sharp nails making Wei Ying wide his eyes and hide onto Xiao Xingchen's chest.

Xingchen only laughed.

"Okay, okay! I will!!" Wei Ying said pouting.

"Yahh, A-Ying...are you really fuckin' sure your going?" Xue Yang said. And as always, cursing.


"Fuck then.."

"Watch your toungue Xue Yang!" Xingchen warned.

"Hăo ba..! Hmph!" Wei Ying only chuckles at how Xue Yang responded at Xiao Xingchen.

"Sigh...Xian-Xian," Song Lan grabbed Wei Ying's hands then soon held both of his hands.

Song Lan smiled sadly at him, then smiled more wide and tears falls on his cheek.

Wei Ying then wiped Song Lan's tears away.

"Yah, yah..why do you guys have to be so dramatic? I'll only leave to Gusu for no one know how long.." Wei Ying crossed arms,

Then felt a pair of warm arm around his thin feminine waist.

"That's why we were dramatic, because no one knows how long you are gonna stay there..we will miss you ya know?" Xiao Xingchen spoke Softly then turned Wei Ying to face him.

Then kisses his forehead before letting go.

"Okay then, i'll get going...don't worry i will be alright. I promise" Wei Ying smiled sweetly and widely then waved at them.

And after that, he put on his mask and fixes himself. And put on his dark black cloak. At some time, the pendant was magically appeared infront of the cloak again.

He then start walking away, leaving the other five who was sad and already missed him.

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