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It was a dark escape with a inch of lukewarm water on the ground. I look around for the familiar glow of light and I finally see it a bright Blue glow of light followed with ocean sounds.


I walk fast to the light with a mission. It swallows my body and I close my eyes.

I find myself in the middle of the sea on a huge rock with a drop dead beauty. She held her legs to her chest looking out into the waves that were crashing.

I ignore her and turn my head to look around for some kind of door.

After looking around all there seems to be in this scene is water.

...No "No, No, no, NO!" I look at the woman who was looking at me with a amused expression.

"You know what you gotta do." She says with a grin. I curse under my breathe. "You better hurry up before he notices."

No shit honey.

I roll my neck to relive stress. Time to take a leap of faith. I back up and run towards the water and fall in. At first I'm sinking because of the impact but then I'm falling. I'm falling fast.

I reach out to the surface for help and all I see is the shadowy figure of the lady and three small women.

And it's like the world flipped and I bring my head out of water. I gasp for air and I look around again. I come around and see a temple I squint my eyes and see that it's Athena's temple.

I smirk. Someone has a favorite niece.  I pull myself up and walk forwards it. "Hello." I say out loud. "Gate keeper to Poseidon's memories! Where are you~" I sing.

I swing my arms around and pout. This is gonna be a lot harder than I though.

"Medusa, only human of her family, beauty is almost incomparable. Blessed by Aphrodite herself,what bring you to my lovely mind." I hear the oh so familiar voice.

I look back and see him. Shit.
"Liewe Hera,"

He stood there very low pants no shirt and a thousand tattoos with a 3 scar across his stomach. Muscles was the only way to describe him and his long hair that was seemingly wet clings to his body.

"Ya know it was really hard to find you but I convinced the fates to give me some insight on you," He walk over to me staring at me with deep lust and anger. "I was surprised to find out your 269 years old for a mortal."

I do not speak. I'm frozen I do not know what to do or say.

He comes up to me and grips my face but I say nothing. "The future is not of one pathway but it is like a pond with many rivers depending on which one you choose will lead you to another pond." He grips my waist with his other hand. On the outside this would seem to be comical because I am about 5'4 or 5'5 and this man is 6"6 at least. He has to bend his whole back into it.

But this is far from funny. "I'm saying we can change our futures." I gulp. "Meaning I can push you out of my head right now and never see you again or I can find you at the pond same time as yesterday and we could get to know each other." He says tightening his grip. "That was the original plan but when I went to the fates about you only thing they told me was you're background and one piece of information about my future."

I feel water in my eyes as I see his bright blue eyes shift to a dark green. "They said in every single one of my futures they see you in it." He clenches his teeth. "I like to be in control but if you're in every single one of my futures. You're in control."

"W-what-" I try to say. "Don't. Cut. Me. Off." He starts to get Unnecessarily rough with me. "What the hell do you have that I don't huh? What about you makes you seem so great? Is it you're hair? Does it carry something?" He says sounding crazy. "You're dark complexion and blond Afro is quite a sight to see but I doubt it's anything special."

"Poseidon." I say with teary eyes. He inhales sharply, "I love to hear my name from my enemies when I torture them but hearing it from you're mouth. It's something special." He says with a sinister smile. "Say it again."

This can't be happening.

"Druk." His eyes widen and he's pushed back with a hard gust of wind and I run back to the water and dives.

I scream out of my sleep and reach for anything in front of me. I gasp for air as I hear footsteps approach me.

He found me. He knows I'm here.

I see my sisters faces again and I scream again as tears come out my eyes.

I've just made enemies with a god.

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