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I roll my eyes at my sisters as the cocoon me. "Must you guys smoother me like this?" I say rolling my eyes.

"Please Dusa." Stheno Speaks "You are our youngest and most fragile. Is it so wrong for us to want to keep you safe."

I look at my clothes in the mirror. "It's okay to want to be cautious in this world full of monsters and goblins," I turn around to face them holding my arms up for emphasis on the baggy-Ness. "But to make me walk around looking like a mop?"

They all shake their heads. "Its for youre own good Dusa." They pat at my clothes. "Youre a beautiful mortal woman. Men would take advantage of you in a second." Stheno puts on a stern face. "Thats why we must hide you."

I roll my eyes again and shake my head letting my naturally coily golden locks fall on my dark skin. "Do you see it? How my hair compliments my skin so well." I say with excitement. "I am molded by Aphrodite herself sisters. I was meant to be out in the open where people see me."

They 'tsk' at me, at the same time. "Medusa our words are final."

"But-" I say holding up my very heavy hand. "Final~" I pout.

I turn back to the mirror to face myself again. I hated the outfit. In fact I loathe it. Every time I went out weather it's for a simple walk or dip in the lake I had to wear unpleasant rags. It consisted of worn out smelly baggy pants that had seaweed attached to it. I also had on a cloak that covered a long sleeve V-neck that had been dipped in mud and left out to dry. "Euryale, please don't make me." I say with clasped hands.

She shakes her head making the snakes on her head hiss. "Sorry Dusa."

I suck my teeth and drop my hands I walk torwards the door ready to slam it but I stop mid-way. "I hope Zeus strike you with his bolt." Before i could see their reaction I run out of the Cabin.

I run through the familiar pathway to the creek then I rain to the river to a my personal Waterfall.

I stop to take some time to breathe as my lungs decide to give out on me. "I swear I have fat girl lungs." I gasp for more air. "Its these ragged clothes they make me wear." I lift my arms.

I look around at the beautiful scenery and gasp. "Wow." I say walking closer to the water. "I swear no matter how many times I see it this landscape never cease to amaze me." Breathing in the open air I look around me.

Once I check no one is around I peel off my clothes and escape to the cool water.

I walk up to the water and look at my reflection. My golden frizzy afro dropped over my eyes. My dark chocolate skin seems nearly clear in the water and my eyes are alive and full of wonder.

I smile at myself. Crafted by Aphrodite herself.

My mother would always say. My mother obviously favored me the most when we were younger I was the one with everything looks, knowledge, and power. Well not power as in actual power.

I was the only one in my whole family to be born mortal. I am treated like a piece of thin glass fragile.

A very thin piece of glass. I poke the water causing a ripple in my face. "Very fragile."

I dip into the water and sigh. "Mmm. Now this is living."

I close my eyes and let the water melt me. "No Stheno. No Euryale. No Dumb clothing. No mothing. Just peace." I say humming to myself. I sink further in.

"My, My. I've seen a lot of beauties but you." I snap my eyes open to see a very lean and attractive man who has long hair with a big trident tattoo on his left pecks looks at me. "Youre gorgeous." He smirks at me.

"I-I" I stumble on my word.

He tks and shakes his head. "Im so sorry. Where are my manners?" He holds out his hand. "I am Posiden. God if the sea and it seems you have been trespassing my land for quite some time Medusa." He's eyes glow a electricity blue.

I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. What do you say when standing in front of one of the 12 Greek Gods.

I'll tell you what you don't do. Scream.

I screamed. Oh boy did I scream. My lungs burned like hot fire but I continued anyway and Posiden stood there with a shocked face while I got up an ran for my clothes.

I didn't bother putting them on but I surely ran.

No longer screaming I paused in the middle of my run to breathe and put on my clothes.

Breatha Dusa.

I hurriedly put my hood on.

Breathe Dusa.

I speed walk towards the Cabin that is now noticeable.

Dear Hera, Help me.

I see Euryale on the porch Sharpening a spear. "Hey Dus- Woah." she tries to greet me but I push past her.

"I-I not right now E." I walk through our cabin to my room that is separated from the living room by a flimsy cloth.

I grab my hair and pull at it. A god Dusa! A GOD!

I start to pace around. I've hardly met another monster let alone a god. That's a man!

And he seen you're face.

AND HE SEEN MY FACE! I groan out loud. I've definitely crossed the line if Euryale or Stheno found out, oh I'll be a corpse.

Stheno walks into my room with a confused face. "Dusa, is everything okay." She studies my face and I immediately turn my face into happy mode.

"Yeah!" I said walking to my bed laying down ready to just sleep.

"Well you ran through the living room in such a hurry and E was rambling on about 'Not knowing how to say excu-'" I cut her off with a forced yawn. "Yeah, yeah, yeah I'll make sure to apologize tomorrow but for now I think I'm going to go to sleep."

She stand there and looks at me analyzing me from head to toe. "Yeah okay." She leaves the room and I roll over putting the cover over my head.

I need to make him forget my face.

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