Chapter Ten - Again

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The only noise that filled the room was the fire crackling and the pair's heavy breathing. Rae was sat on top of John, as she straddled his lap. Slowly, his hand reached up to her face and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

The two sat in a comfortable silence, after what seemed like hours of them repeating the action they swore to never do again.

"I hate to admit it, deputy, but I can't tell you how much I craved that again."

She laughed and ran her hands down his chest, admiring his tattoos and scars again. "Unfortunately, me too."

John placed a hand on the small of her back for balance and leaned forward. He connected their lips, and she happily kissed back. She wondered what made the man so irresistible. They both claimed to hate each other, and that they were both enemies. But she had began to wonder if that was even true. She knew that she still hated him, but she wasn't sure about John. The way he looked at her was different.

As soon as John pulled away, she said "I should probably get going."

John didn't react. He only gave her a small smile. He smoothly rolled her off and stood. The clothes that scattered across the floor, he picked up and quickly put on.

"Why can't you stay?" he asked by accident.

She laughed, but not to make fun of him. "Because I have to get back to ruining your life, you know?"

He strided towards the woman who had only gotten her undergarments on. He put both hands on her sides before leaning down to touch their foreheads.

"I'll let you ruin my life if you promise you'll be back."

John hated that he was showing her how he felt. But something about the woman brought the best in him out.

"John, I-"

He knew she would protest. But he didn't want her to.

"Why not?" he pulled their heads apart, but kept his hands on her sides.

"Because, John. It's too risky. We shouldn't have done it once, let alone twice." She pulled away from him to finish getting her clothes on.

It somewhat hit John that she regretted it. He didn't regret it one bit.

"Okay," he sighed, swallowing his pride. He allowed the woman to finish making herself look presentable. He wandered off to another room.


That day, Rae had done more for the resistance than she had in a long time. There were new places for the resistance to stay. None of them were John Seed's ranch, but they would have to make do for now.

She stood around at the Sunrise Farm, simply awaiting another task. She had completed more than enough to make up for the time she did nothing.

Just as she was about to stop for the day, her radio went off. Nick Rye.

"Goddamn those peggies! Deputy, I hate to ask but... John Seed stole my goddamn plane! That baby's been in my family for generations, please, can you get it back?"

"Dammit, John," she whispered to herself before talking into the radio. "10-4, I'll bring your plane back to you."

"Thank you so much, deputy! I- I don't know what my grandad would say if I let his plane go to some stupid doomsday cult."

She laughed at the way he spoke. He always sounded humorous when he was angry or scared. It was hard not to laugh at him at any given time throughout a serious conversation.

The deputy quickly made her way out and south to John's ranch, for the second time today. She knew he would tease her for showing up again, but she had to resist him.

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