Prison Break

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We're back!!!
Sorry for the long break, but I needed it for personal reasons and to edit previous chapters.
But we're back and that's all that matters!

It was three o'clock in the morning when Vernon was awoken by a loud hooting noise from Harry and Y/N's bedroom. He barged into their safe space and roared at them both.

"Shut that bloody bird up, or she'll be stuffed in that cupboard too..."

Not even a minute after Harry and    Y/N returned from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Dursleys worked quickly to take their luggage and lock it under the stairs.  Y/N's cat, Ella, was allowed out of her cage, unlike Hedwig, since she was considered normal in a Muggle neighbourhood. It wasn't often a Muggle would wake up to see an owl fly through your neighbour's window.

Although Ella was allowed out, there were some restrictions. She wasn't allowed in the garden, back or front, so when she wanted to go on a midnight prowl, she would wake Y/N up so he could carry her across the lawn. She was scared of the Dursleys, and for good reason, every now and then, Y/N would return to his bedroom with bruises on his face or stomach. She mentally added them to her 'Do not cross' list.

So when Uncle Vernon came raging into their bedroom at three in the morning one day, she jumped in shock and cowered behind Y/N's back.

"She's bored," Harry told the purple faced man. "She's used to flying around outside. If I could just let her out at night..."

"Do I look stupid?!" Vernon snarled. The boys shared a look and tried to hold back a laugh. "I know what'll happen if that owl's let out."

With that, he stormed out, back to his room with Aunt Petunia. Ella returned to her resting spot at the foot of Y/N's bed. Hedwig seemed to understand what she did and decided to keep quiet the rest of the night.

Y/N and Harry had felt so alone ever since the summer began. They hadn't recieved any letters from any of their friends, worryingly for Y/N since he promised Hermione that they would talk every day. But he couldn't if he tried since he couldn't use Hedwig as she was pad locked in her cage thanks to Uncle Vernon. Y/N missed his friends, Ron and Hermione, Hermione especially since she was his best friend.


That morning, Harry and Y/N were making breakfast while the Dursleys were idly chatting about Dudley's new school. Smeltings Academy. The same school that Vernon had attended when he was Dudley's age, and possibly his size.

"I want more bacon!" Dudley whined, not for the first time that morning. The first complaint was that Y/N was cooking the bacon too slowly to which he replied with 'I can't make it cook faster,' with a shake of his head. Unfortunately, Uncle Vernon caught his gesture and picked up Petunia's slipper off the floor and slapped him over the head with it.

Then it was that Harry hadn't put enough pepper on his eggs, making Harry walk over behind Dudley and 'accidentally' pour too much pepper on Dudley's eggs. It didn't stop him from eating it but it did prevent Harry from having butter on his slice of bread.

"There's more in the frying pan, sweetums," said Aunt Petunia. "We must feed you up while we've got the chance." Y/N thought that Dudley looked like he'd been fed more than enough, saying that his pyjama bottoms were so tight around his legs you'd think that they were part of his skin. "I don't like the sound of that school food..."

"Nonsense, Petunia. I never went hungry when I was at Smeltings," Uncle Vernon said proudly. "Dudley gets enough, don't you, son?"

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