A Library of Memories

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The door of Dumbledore's office swung open, revealing Professor Moody clutching the handle. Professor Dumbledore was sat comfortably at his desk, with Cornelius Fudge leaning against it angrily, but trying to hide his anger for the new guests.

"Hello, Potters. Granger. Weasley," Moody said, nodding to each of them. "Come in, then."

The four cautiously stepped into the room, all eyes glued to either the Minister for Magic or Professor Dumbledore, who were both watching them enter with curious gazes. Cornelius Fudge seemed to be frozen in time, his face holding the same position, of shock, and his hands holding his lime green bowler hat off to his left. Professor Dumbledore had his hands grasped together in front of him, upon his desk, peering at the quartet through his half moon spectacles.

"Boys!" Fudge suddenly cried out, finally breaking free of his still form. He bounded over to Harry and Y/N, taking Harry's hand and shaking it forcefully, then doing the same with Y/N's. Ron held his hand out too, but was ignored, so his hand slowly retracted into his pockets as he looked around, hopeful no one else saw what happened. Hermione, despite herself, was smirking at Ron, internally laughing at the boy's embarrassment. "How are you?"

"We're alright, sir," Y/N said, answering for his brother too.

"We were just talking about the night when Mr Crouch turned up in the grounds. It was you both who found him, was it not?"

"Yeah..." Harry said this time, not liking how happy the Minister seemed. The Potters noticed Dumbledore, still sitting at his desk, watching the interaction with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Yes, well..." Fudge looked slightly embarrassed. He mustn't have wanted Harry or Y/N to overhear his earlier conversation. "We're about to go for a short walk in the grounds, boys, if you'll excuse us... perhaps if you four just go back to your classes-"

"We wanted to talk to you, Professor," Hermione spoke up, poking her head higher into the air to get a better view of the elderly Headmaster.

"Remain in my office, then," Dumbledore said, lifting from his seat. "Our examination of the grounds will not take long."

The four stepped to the side to allow the adults access to the exit of Dumbledore's office. Fudge left with a nod of his head, Moody's eye whizzed around in its magical socket, and Dumbledore had his usual twinkle in his eye.

"Now what?" Ron asked, standing awkwardly with his hands still in his pockets.

"We just need to wait," Hermione answered. "Like Dumbledore said. So don't touch anything."

"But, Hermione... this wall looks so exquisite... I must touch..." Y/N joked, pretending to be attracted to a wall to his right. He let a finger touch it. "Oh no... I have sinned!... uh oh..."

The wall Y/N touched slowly pulled open, unleashing blinding silver white light from within. Inside Dumbledore's secret room, sat a Pensieve. The same thing Y/N had used in Moody's office. On the walls were rows and rows of shelves filled with vials of memories, in the form of thin silver string.

"Woah!" Ron yelled, rushing over and entering the room. "What is this place?!"

"I don't know..." Hermione said, marvelling at the runes and symbols carved into the side of the basin. "I've never seen anything like it before..."

"It's a pensieve," Y/N stated, looking into the depths of the water. It looked like a memory was still present on the surface... maybe he should... no, that would be rude, and against the law probably... but he felt like he was supposed to... for some reason.

"And how do you know that?" Hermione asked, somewhat confused that Y/N knew something she didn't.

"Moody has one in his office. I told you about it, didn't I?"

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