New Arrivals

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Harry awoke the next morning with a plan to send Sirius back to where he came from. He grabbed a quill and some parchment and sat down at the desk next to his bed, and began to write.

Dear Sirius,

  I reckon we just imagined our scars hurting, Y/N agrees, we were both half asleep when I wrote to you last time. There's no point coming back, everything's fine here. Don't worry about us, our heads feel completely normal.


While Harry went off to visit the Owlery, Y/N was trying to take his mind off of yesterday in the Room of Requirement. He was sprinting around a jungle environment in his Animagus form, evading low hanging branches and roots that were sticking out of the ground.

Y/N still had no clue how this room was real. The magic to create something to this scale would have to come from someone as powerful as Merlin himself to work as well as it does.

Recently, Y/N has been trying to perfect the change between panther and human. To him, he always thought he was a bit shabby at switching back and forth. To practise this particular skill, Y/N would run for a while, then jump and transform into a human midair. If done correctly, he would land on his feet and continue running, if not, he would land on his face and slide across the ground for a few metres. Which is why his face was stained brown at the moment.

Y/N saw the perfect opportunity coming up ahead of him. A root sticking out of the ground like a hurdle at a school's Sports Day. He leapt into the air, stretching out his legs as he launched himself over the root. Y/N focused hard on his human form and forced his cells to shift and change into his regular form. Before he could stop himself, he tripped over his own feet and face planted into the mud and skidded across the floor.

Y/N spat the dirt out of his mouth, and wiped the mud from his eyes.

"Brilliant..." Y/N moaned, needing a change of clothes before he left for breakfast. He transfigured himself back into the form of a panther and raced towards the entrance of the room, which was surprisingly closer than he remembered it being.

Y/N peeked his head through the door, checking left and right before stepping out into the abandoned corridor... or so he thought.

"Hello," a dreamy voice said. She sounded as if she was on cloud nine, without a worry in the world. "Are you Y/N Potter?"

Y/N spun around to see a girl wearing a necklace of Butterbeer caps and some onion ring earrings. She had dirty blonde hair and pale silvery eyes, which looked off into the distance as if she could see things no one else could.

"... yeah..." Y/N said awkwardly, not knowing whether the girl had saw the door shrink back into the wall behind him.

"I've heard about you," she said, lolling her head to the side.

"So has everyone..."

"Why are you covered in mud?"

"Well... I don't think I caught your name?" Y/N avoided her question.

"Its Luna... Luna Lovegood, but people like to call me Loony Lovegood."

"I can't imagine why..."

"You didn't answer my question."

"I... fell over?"

"Why are you asking me, shouldn't you know? Or have the Wrackspurts already invaded your brain?"

"The what?" Y/N asked as Luna skipped over to him, and pulled on his ear. She brought her face close to his and peered inside his ear curiously.

"Oh, yes. You have quite the collection in there," Luna muttered.

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