Three Curses

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The quartet were sat in the Great Hall, with the Weasley twins and their best friend, Lee Jordan. Professor McGonagall had just marched up and down the rows of students handing out time tables for the year. The pupils were either catching up with their friends or predicting the tasks for the Triwizard Tournament, as well as who they thought would be the Hogwarts champion. Fred, George and Lee were discussing the methods of ageing themselves up so they could put their names forward to this impartial judge.

"Today's not bad... outside all morning," Ron said, sliding his finger down his time table. "Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Care of Magical Creatures... damn it, we're still with the Slytherins..."

"Double Divination this afternoon," Harry groaned, rolling his eyes as Y/N and Hermione tried to subtly high five each other.

"You should have given it up, Harry, like us," Y/N said, buttering some toast for himself. "Then you wouldn't be told about all the painful ways you're going to die."

"Its not all about death," Harry said, still not entirely sure where he was going with this statement. "There are some... good... elements to the lesson."

"Oh, really?" Hermione questioned, leaning slightly over the table. "And what would these 'elements' be?"

"Lavender Brown's going to find a Crup Puppy in a basket next Tuesday," Ron answered. "Whatever they are..."

All of a sudden, hundreds of colourful owls burst in through the ceiling, all carrying variously sized objects, mostly being the Daily Prophet. Harry and Y/N looked up, expecting a visit from a snowy owl but there was no white visible amongst the mass of owls.

"How long has it been now?" Y/N asked Harry.

"Three weeks? Roughly," Harry said, now standing from the benches so they could make their way down to the Greenhouses to begin their first lesson of the school year.

They were sent into Greenhouse Three for today's lesson, where Professor Sprout kept the more dangerous plants and fungi. She brought out the most disgusting plants you could imagine, looking like thick, black, giant slugs that were sticking out of the soil. It seemed to be moving around within its pot, as if trying to free itself from its clay cage. There were many, shiny swellings upon it, all appearing to be filled with liquid.

"Bubotubers," Professor Sprout said. "They need squeezing. You will collect the pus-"

"The what?" Seamus Finnigan asked, his smile fading from his face.

"Pus, Finnigan, pus. And it's extremely valuable, so don't waste it. You will collect the pus, I say, in these bottles. Wear your dragon-hide gloves, it can do funny things to the skin when undiluted, Bubotuber pus."

Y/N felt disgusted as he squeezed on the swellings from the Bubotuber he shared with Hermione. The pus was even worse, oozing out of the popped swellings and dribbling down their gloves into the bottles. It was a thick, yellowish green substance, smelling strongly of petrol. By the end of the lesson, Professor Sprout had collected around several pints of the Bubotuber pus, and the room smelled strongly of a mixture of petrol and sick.

"This'll keep Madam Pomfrey happy," Professor Sprout said. "An excellent remedy for the more stubborn forms of acne, Bubotuber pus. Should stop students resorting to desperate measures to rid themselves of pimples."

"Like poor Eloise Midgeon," said Hannah Abbott. "She tried to curse hers off."

"Silly girl. But Madam Pomfrey managed to fix her nose back on in the end."

The bell sounded and the Gryffindors split away from the Hufflepuffs, now heading down to Hagrid's hut for their Care of Magical Creatures lesson. Hagrid was already stood at the front steps of his cabin when the class arrived. Sat next to him was Fang, huffing and puffing like usual with his tongue dangling from his mouth. As the Gryffindors drew nearer, Fang started barking and launched himself towards the group, jumping on top of Y/N and knocking him to the ground.

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